Saturday, February 25, 2017

Visiting our newest little one

Niece and Auntie bonding time. 

I had just asked our sweet middle girl, 
"so are we gonna to keep her?" 

And she replied, 
quite enthusiastically I might add, 
"no, *we're* gonna keep her!" 

(Guess she thought I was thinking that I might take 
her little sister home with me <wink>)


Uncle giving little brother a hand.

(love the love between them)

Big sister is a natural! 


Holding baby sister


Watching Batman after bathtime

.            *              .


  1. What beautiful family moments. Thank you for sharing the love!

    1. Thank you, Marcie, and grinning a very big "my pleasure"!


Thank you for stopping by and for letting me know you were here . . . :)