Thursday, March 2, 2017

Baking is My Therapeutic Love Language

Taking a quiet moment to be fully present in this moment before beginning some lovely 
baking therapy this evening, all while basking in the Light of Love. 


💕     .       🕯     .       🔶

My bananas were frozen and the recipe I use is my Grandma's. It was the very first thing 
we baked together when I was 9 years old, after putting on our aprons, of course.

Yesterday at work was *tough* and, while today was a lot better, I knew I still needed some 
self-care... and I love to bake so I thought, "hey!" 

I'm not sure I've ever thought of baking as self-care 
before but when done in the right spirit, it so is.
It's also one of my love languages.

I have such fond memories of a dear family friend's mom who, when she would come for 
a visit, would keep a lighted candle when she and her daughter were working in the kitchen. 
I was so enchanted the first time I saw it and how Gramma Underwood (we "adopted" her) 
explained to me that it helped her to remember to pray for those who were on her heart 
that day, especially when preparing for big family meals like Thanksgiving dishes (which 
is usually when she and Grampa were down for a visit).

In November 2015, wanting to feel them close by, I created the collage of the 4 women 
behind my candle. Moma is in the top left, my beloved Banana Bread Grandma in the top 
right, Moma's mom in the bottom left, and hubby's dear Grandma who considered me one 
of her own in the bottom right.

(Have I mentioned yet that hubby affectionately 
calls me "a little old lady magnet?" 
I just smile and nod because I adore grandmother (and grandfather!) 
energy and am so drawn to them)

This evening, I knew I needed to feel them close. Just the simple act of gathering items for 
a little impromptu kitchen altar felt like a gift (the other picture is "Mary, Undoer of Knots) 
and my rock says Peace), as did taking a moment to pause ...

... breathe ... 

.... and gently remind myself that I am not alone. 

While they may be on a different plane, 
we are very much together in spirit. 

I know because seeing their sweet faces 
in the glow of candlelight tells me so.

And sure enough. I am feeling much more
 Grounded and centered, 
and also loved.

Blessed be. 

.           *           .

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