Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What Went Well Wednesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Gently wise book, surprise from a co-worker, lunchtime soul nourishment
2.  Feeling more grounded as we walk thru a pretty big changing-of-the-guard at work
3.  Better night's rest (and sleep)
4.  Creativity unearthed during month-long photo challenge
5.  Hubby's patient help with electronic music
6.  Quiet assurances that I really do have more expertise than most in our new system
7.  Working thru tasks at a pace that feels right for me
8.  Kindness and humility radiating from new "guard"
9.  Tensions easing in others, too
10. Clean laundry

.            *            .


  1. Love you thankful list! And there is something about clean laundry that makes me happy too! Aside from having clean clothes to wear, I love folding freshly clean laundry -

  2. Thanks, Kimberley! Smiling your way, my friend,... yes, folding (and smelling!), freshly clean, warm-from-the-dryer laundry can be quite enjoyable for me, too.


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