Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Waiting and Watching

I'm up and have been sitting with my candles, praying my prayer for Uncle Tom, and smiling
softly remembering that this is Grandma Martin's birthday, all while trustin' that means she 
is even closer than before (if that's possible), watching over her precious boy and waiting with 

When I did get on the computer, I had a note from my aunt quietly letting me know that the 
Hospice nurse has told Jacque, Uncle Tom's wife, that it's probably a matter of days now. 

I was reminded in a book last night that it used to be that folks making pilgrimages to holy 
places carried them so often that a scallop shell became their symbol. As I was setting up my 
little tableau in honor of our dear Uncle Tom this morning, it seemed right to include one or 

May this, his last pilgrimage be blessed and peaceful.

Placing my heart on my hand and closing my eyes, all while sending much love and fierce 
hugs to him and those of us who love him.

(I had intended on saying "hand on my heart" but on further reflection, I love the tenderness
and deep ache in the image of leaning over and placing my heart on my open hands.  Yes.  
I think I'll leave it be just as it is.)

.             *             .

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