Friday, August 9, 2013

Simple Moments of Self-Care

I took an e-course earlier this summer called Be Your Own Beloved - Creating Self-Care Policies by Vivienne McMaster, which I would highly recommend.  One of our assignments was an invitation to spend some time journaling about some of our own "Simple Moments of Self-Care."  (Because not all of us will resonate with the same things, yes?)

I haven't really done a lot of drawing in my life.  So I was a little surprised that, rather than simply write them out, I was inspired to draw and color the things I do (when I remember) that nourish my soul.  I had a grand time working on my page and looking back at it still brings a warm smile.  My list is:

Noticing and writing "small stones" 
an idea I learned from 
the gentle Satya & Kaspa at 

Cradling and rocking myself, 
a practice I wrote about in this post:

Journal-drawing in this lovely book.
(This was before I knew there 
was such a thing as art-journaling)

Ahhh, a lovely hot bath 
(& sometimes cool)


Entraining to quiet, soothing tick-tocks

Listening, intentionally, to birdsong


Being near flowing water

Jammie days!
(this one is hiding under 
my hand in the picture)

A couple more to add this morning:

Writing here on my new blog :)

Singing songs that touch me 
intentionally from my heart

If you cared to share in the comments, I'd enjoy reading about the ways that you take good care of you.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Thank you Debbie...this is a great way to remember the little things that give us joy. just waking up here with the sun coming over the hill - I'm going outside now to breathe in the morning air and listen to the birdsongs...wishing you a lovely day Suzi ♥

    1. Sounds wonderful, Suzi! Wishing you a lovely day as well. <3

  2. Lovely writing Debbie - and some great suggestions - I always forget about doing things for me until I read something like your list ...
    I'd add walking on the beach
    Taking photos and not minding how bad they are ...

    1. Smiling, loving your additions, Fil! Especially your last one. :)

  3. What beautiful self-care practices! Jammie days are the best.

    1. Thanks, Deborah, and I couldn't agree more! :)

  4. Wonderful!
    We share more than a couple simple practices. :) Self care is so vital and it's important to remind ourSelves of them, *and* it's SO NICE when someone (like you) reminds us to remind ourSelves!

    1. It is so true about self care, isn't it Rose? Thank you for your kind words. :)

  5. these are wonderful practices.
    Simple doesn't mean they are less.
    It looks like you have some solid foundations of self care.

    1. "Simple doesn't mean they are less."

      Yes, yes, yes!! :)

  6. hmmm. hmmm. hmmmm. wonder what I'd say? hmmmm...thanks for sharing.. thea nicholas

  7. What a great list of self-care. Hot peppermint tea, taking photos and hugging my cats. My everyday foundation self care includes what I call my triple play and if I can do all three every morning my life runs pretty smooth. So the triple play is Journal, mediate and workout (move my body in some way). Life is bliss then.

    1. Kira, loving the idea/concept of having (and claiming) a *foundation* for self-care that you do in the morning. Smiling at your pet name of "triple play."


Thank you for stopping by and for letting me know you were here . . . :)