Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Affirmation ~ Detachment is the Wonderful Gift . . .

The first time I posted one of my affirmations, someone commented that she didn't think she could memorize like I did.  Smiling because I'm not sure I could remember them either, especially when in the thick of it, unless I had them written down.  In fact, I've enjoyed creating little "post cards" with them using clip art and fonts that make me happy, just like this picture.  

I've recently needed to go back to this affirmation in particular so I thought I'd share it here this week.  It comes from the reading for May 3 in the book, Courage to Change: One Day at a Time in Al-Anon II:
"Detachment is the wonderful gift of
allowing my loved ones the privilege
and opportunity of being themselves.

Today I am learning to experience
my own fear, grief, & anguish.  This
helps me to be willing to trust the
same growth process in others, 
because I know first hand about the
gifts it can bring.

Sometimes it is more loving to allow
someone else to experience the
natural consequences of their 
actions, even when it is painful for
us both.  In the long run, both of us
will benefit.  Today I will put love
first in my life.

All I have to do is keep my hands off
& turn my heart on."

(emphasis mine)

I haven't used this one in awhile so it's taking some time to re-memorize it.  I'm smiling as I type because I know from working with them in the past, that repetition is very good medicine.  Each time I say it, it's calm wisdom sinks in a little deeper, reassuring me that all is well.

Again, my affirmations aren't necessarily word-for-word.  Sometimes I will paraphrase them so that they make more sense and are more powerful for me.  If you'd like to see the original version, you can view it here.

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  1. Oh my, yes. I need this tattooed to the inside of my eyelids.

  2. Smiling your way, Effy, me, too! Thanks for stopping by! :)


Thank you for stopping by and for letting me know you were here . . . :)