Friday, August 23, 2013

Basking in Grace

Five years ago I was having some health issues and, for a good long while, we couldn't figure out what was going on. Eventually, it was determined that I needed to have a hysterectomy which was performed in November 2008. Being 46 and not having kiddos (I never felt ready!) this was all pretty traumatic and heart-breaking for me.

In the midst of all of this, I was very clear that in order to make it thru this difficult journey I needed a freshness in my relationship with my Higher Power. I also *knew* that I needed to explore the feminine face of God, especially with all of the "feminine stuff" I was going thru.

It was then that I took to fondly calling my Higher Power, Grace, and I still do. Smiling softly because sometimes I call her Mama Grace. Having struggled with a difficult relationship with my own Moma, I sometimes refer to myself as "Debbie Grace." Not because I see myself as my own HP but because I see her as my heavenly parent and I think she likes the idea of my being named after her.   I know I sure do. :)

I really like how this picture feels like I am simply allowing her to shine on me and fill me with her love . . . all while I simply bask.

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  1. beautiful photo! yes, you can see Grace shinning through. Thanks for sharing this personal relationship

  2. Thank you for stopping by and for your kind comment, Marilynn. :)

  3. What a beautiful photo (((Debbie Grace)))

  4. Thank you my dearest ((((Fran)))). <3


Thank you for stopping by and for letting me know you were here . . . :)