Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  This little lovely, a delightful surprise just waiting for me to come get the mail.
2.  Conversation with a wise, dear friend this morning, big-sister heart to big-sister heart.
3.  Room, permission, and kind support affirming me exactly where I am.  
4.  Mild, beautifully sunny spring day.
5.  Reaching out to ask for something I wanted and happily receiving a yes.
6.  Enjoyed watching "Dancing With the Stars" 10th anniversary show.
7.  Remembering how deeply inspired I've been by some of the contestants.  (Amy Purdy)
8.  Resting and relaxing in a picked up house.
9.  Being able to support and love a dear sister in a time of a health concern.
10.  Quiet day at work to piddle and putter when it was hard to concentrate.
11.  Reaching out for help again and leaving it be while I sleep tonight.
12.  While uncomfy, tears so close to the surface .... 
        ....there was a time when tears didn't come at all.    
13.  Simple supper made with leftovers and pantry ingredients.
14.  Soreness in neck and shoulders from new crutches has greatly subsided.
15.  Feeling sleepy before heading for bed.
16.  Rediscovering a cd on mothering at just the right time.

.            *            .

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