I'm still so enjoying my Soul Call "Story" Cards. This reading is one that evolved over
the span of several days. Each day, I'd pull a card (or two) and see what unfolded.
Today I spent some time with them to see what wisdom Mama Grace and the angels
might be whispering to me for the upcoming days.
. . .
The miracle is your dream is the dream of all of your ancestors.
Be open and curious, child, your dreams are the miracle.
The miracle, dear child, is that your dreams for healing and relief can come true, lifting
you up to a new level of Grace. You are becoming a crone.
. . .
The miracle *is* is isn't just a dream. The Grandmothers and Grandfathers *are* calling
you to Listen, Listen, child. They want to lift you up onto their shoulders. They want
to love and support you thru this holy Month of Remembrance.
. . .
In time and with practice, dear child, you have learned to listen well for the medicine
that is needed. What if, for now, the Hope is in giving to yourself and letting the rest
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Listening is the medicine that restores and heals, lifting me back up on the road, the
journey that is my life.
. . .
Notice what Graces are offering themselves to you now, listening and looking for those
unearned and unimagined. Undreamed wonders can lift and heal your broken child's
. . .
Grace is providing the restorative medicine your tender, aching heart, body, and soul
require to be healed. To be ready and able to live the dream that you and your
ancestors are laying and have laid at your feet.
It can be a burden if you don't allow room and time for you to be supported and lifted.
Be still, child, and listen for Mama Grace's voice of love, protection, safety, cleansing
antiseptics, and soothing salves and balms.
You are being restored and loved and tended and listened to and supported and loved.
The miracle is this time is a gift - time you didn't think you needed or wanted - and yet
here you are and here it is.
Bask and Abide and Trust.
Blessed Be.
. * .
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