Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Gift of a timely quote supporting me exactly where I am. 
2.  Inspired thought of coloring a pink heart on my hand, 
     visual reminder to be gently tender.
3.  Spilling the truth (both words and tears) in a safe place.
4.  Being seen, heard, received and loved right where I was (am).
5.  Quiet morning with plenty of room just to be.
6.  Intentionally accepting and receiving this gift of time.
7.  Welcomed company of a single bird's song.
8.  Assurance that arrives from taking a moment to notice and receive 
     Grace's gifts tucked into everyday moments.
9.  Timely reminder that "let it be" *is* surrender ~ it counts.  
     Every. single. moment. I am willing to try.
10. Once again, for this space to be true.

.        *         .


  1. Beautiful words, Debbie, and I love the little pink heart idea <3

  2. I too, love the pink heart! and having the words in your palm was pretty cool too!

  3. Thank you, Zoe and Dawn. Both for visiting and for your kind words.


Thank you for stopping by and for letting me know you were here . . . :)