Monday, June 9, 2014

Mandala Discovery - Lesson 3 - Chaos

This one didn't turn out like I first thought it might. The pink center is meant to represent my precious heart. I made that circle small intentionally but after drawing it it seemed too small (and easily overwhelmed) so I drew the slightly larger circle around it and colored it a soothing, calming blue. I like the idea of my practices (journaling, prayer and meditation) as being a protective cushion around me. (I'm resisting the temptation here to feel that I'm doing this one wrong because the buffer feels comforting to me)

I've been on a journey lately to reclaim things from my past.  Stories that always felt negative and shameful to me I want to frame in a more redemptive light. Doing my mandala in the way that feels most right to me feels like a continuation of that process.

When I first started drawing them, I didn't intend the brown to look like petals but they do and I really like that.

Rather than my feeling overtaken and absorbed by the chaos around me, I see this mandala as a powerful reminder that I can stand still in the midst of it (as best I can in any given moment) and beauty can - and will! - flow both to me and out from me.

(In later re-reading Lesson 4 on Balance, I smiled to realize I wasn't as "off-track" as I originally thought when I made this one.... just a lesson ahead.)

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