Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Beautiful spring morning serenaded by birdsong.
2.  Quiet moments to write, listen and be.
3.  Soothing orderliness to sit in.
4.  Safe journeys for dear hubby.
5.  Wise, heart-touching, perfectly timed book, Storycatcher by Christina Baldwin.
6.  Playful day at work yesterday.
7.  Connecting to and with my dear heart in writing.
8.  Noah, deeply inspiring new contestant on Dancing With the Stars.
9.  Hope-filled sunshine filling the room and spilling on me.
10.  Soft brown leather chair.
11.  Finding the space between my breaths and the opportunity to choose love.
12.  Warm smiles Valentine's Day roses still bring.
13.  New Ferris Wheel mandala that speaks to me of healthy boundaries 
       (and the wonderful prospect of exploring this more later).
14.  Wind chime songs
15.  New-to-me blessing about peace:
May the peace of the tallest mountain 
and the peace of the smallest stone 
be your peace. 
May the stillness of the stars 
watch over you. 
May the everlasting music 
of the wave lull you to rest.
~ an ancient Celtic prayer
May it be so

And it is Enough.

Blessed be.

.             *            .

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