Friday, March 13, 2015

A Moment of Stillness and a Quiet, Blessed Reminder

I just finished a lovely e-course, Water Your Mama Soul by Liz Lamoreux and I would highly recommend it for both mamas and those of us who are simply looking to mama the dear little girl still living inside our hearts.

On our first day she invited us to write a blessing for our journey which I *so* loved and, if we wanted to, we could pair our blessing with a selfie.  Smiling softly because I first began taking selfies when I took Liz's original "Water Your Soul" e-course a couple of years ago.  Not only was that safe space (and her deeply kind presence) an important bridge for me, I've found that getting myself in the picture, too(!), has been such a powerful gift.  A way of deeply *seeing* and learning to practice tender Mercies with myself.

For my first day on our journey, I wanted to intentionally bless myself while in a moment of stillness. Smiling softly because, even tho I'm 52, I still so love being called "dear girl." The little yellow bear watching over me on the shelf behind me was a gift from a dear friend. She has stars all over her and her name is Bearie Star. Sometimes I forget she is there and it brings a warm smile to remember her. In her quiet, constant way, she gently reminds me that there are many other loved ones, whether still here or who have already passed to the other side, who are watching over, caring about and loving me, too....

There is a quote that I so cherish given to me by a very wise and beloved one many years ago. I had forgotten about it until I just recently rediscovered it tucked up in the book where I used to keep it. It's brought me so much comfort over the years and it still does:

                       "And remember, you do not walk alone. You are surrounded 
                        by a cloud of witnesses, family members and friends, some 
                        who have gone before you, all of whom have a stake in your 
                        partnership [or life or whatever fits in the moment]. Your 
                        happiness is important to them. They are your cheering section. 
                        Count on them to walk with you, and trust the One who has 
                        brought you across rivers of grief, through forests of gladness 
                        to your present pilgrimage."  
                                                                 ~ wise source regretfully unknown

As an aside, I've been welcoming in a bit of synchronicity, too. I keep Barbara Brown Taylor's "An Altar in the World" in our bathroom and every single time I take a bath, that wonderfully wise and Hope-filled book (good soul nourishment, really) goes in with me.  The Sunday right before we started our e-course, I re-read her chapter on blessings which is my very favorite. A few things she says that I resonate with so much are: you don't have to be a believer to pronounce a blessing, *anyone* can say a blessing, and if you want to know how, simply try saying a few because it is a practice, too, after all.


Blessed be.

.           *           .

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