Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Everyday Beauty :: My Anchor, Sebastian

Sebastian – my treasured friend and ever-faithful companion. He was given to me by Moma on my sweet 16th birthday in the midst of my fight with bone cancer in my left hip. From that day on he slept with me every night, went with me on every hospital visit for chemo and surgery, every trip out of town to see doctors, and on fun trips with family, too. He has seen it all, catching both my tears and fears and comforting me with his ever present hug. He was my anchor and my rock and is as real as the Velveteen Rabbit.

Sebastian was a gift in another deeply comforting way. My relationship with my Moma was particularly rocky when she gave him to me. In time, I found that I could love him when I couldn't love her and I could let her love me thru him, too.

Several years back, when I noticed he was getting torn, I worried he might fall apart so I tucked him up on a special shelf in my closet in our bedroom. Smiling softly because when the closet door is open, I can see him, still watching over me (and loving me) from his perch of honor.

Interesting side note:  as is par for May for me, I'm feeling pretty tender right now. As soon as I got him down to take a photo of him with me this afternoon, the tears started to prick (as they are now). Yes, he is a very good friend, my safe anchor in the storms indeed. 


When I shared my photo and words above in a group, someone made the comment, "He is a holy container for dreams, prayer, hopes and fears." Love that so much!  Yes.

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