Sunday, May 3, 2015

Setting My Intention for May

I've always loved that my birthday is in May (I'll be 53 on the 18th). Alongside the joy, pockets of tenderness also tend to be tucked in this month. I know this is simply the sweet little girl who lives inside my heart longing for a little bit more of the reassurance, healing, and love that she didn't get enough of when she was small. I want to be present, as best I can in each moment, to both her and the adult me as we continue to find our special way of partnering in this dance of life together. ♥

I intend to gift myself with good self-care this month by staying close to the photo prompts. Not only do I enjoy how this exercise helps me to connect with myself and my world in a gently curious way, I *love* the focus of looking for beauty in the everyday! Plus shared photo "treasure hunts" are such a delightful way to connect with others, too. :)

I'll also continue to practice, she adds with a soft smile, being just fine if there are a lot of selfies sprinkled in. Perhaps I'll stretch a bit by nudging myself to find beauty in the aching grief that may arise. Over the years I've come to really appreciate how photographing myself is a powerful way for me to truly see myself *and!* a very nourishing way to water my soul. (Hmmm... noticing, joining, and participating in my own life feeds me, imagine that! ;) )

(A warm hug and a big thank you to Liz Lamoreux for her affirming example. She is one of my very favorite pioneers!)

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