Five Deep Breaths
with Mother Mary
watching over me this morning.
(As she has so often in my life)
Growing up and helplessly watching my beloved parents' marriage fall apart into divorce while I was struggling with bone cancer in my left hip, there were So. Many. Times. that I felt so alone in all of the craziness.
While I couldn't have verbalized much less explained it then (which I've since learned doesn't mean it isn't real), I came to take great comfort in seeing Mary (and Joseph) at mass each week. I understand now that seeing her calm face and kind eyes reassured me that she could see what I couldn't speak and that she fully intended to stay put and present when so many others were running away.
This Grace was such a deep reassurance for me that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't as alone as I felt.
This Grace was such a deep reassurance for me that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't as alone as I felt.
I will always treasure her loving witness.
. * .
This resonated with me, Mary as compassionate witness