Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

1.  Graceful daffodils, encouraging spring harbingers.
2.  Time and space to sort out feelings and finding clarity thru writing.
3.  Shy sunshine, welcomed warmth (both body and soul).
4.  Gentle heart nudges to slow down, breathe and be.  
5.  New favorite Hope quote:  "Memory is a sacrament of Hope." ~ Kathleen Fischer

.     *     .

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Why Do I Write?

Why do I write?

Because it is my gift.
Because it is my curse.
Because I enjoy it.
Because it sometimes pulls on me until I do.
Because it helps me stay sane.
Because it helps me find clarity.
Because it helps me understand.
Because it helps me regroup.
Because it helps ground me.
Because it helps me find my voice.
Because it helps me find a way to express myself in alignment with my values.
Because it's the best way I know to truly listen to my heart.
Because I adore analogies and finding ways to keep coming back to them
     in surprising and delightful ways in the same piece.
Because it touches and blesses my heart and soul.
Because it touches and blesses others' hearts and souls.
Because I can go back to something I wrote, even many years ago,
     and in the re-reading, I remember and recenter.
Because, in the end, how can I not?

.     *     .

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

This evening I am thankful for:

1.  Finally, *finally* feeling more at home in our new software system at work.
2.  Delicious feelings of a sense of accomplishment and autonomy.
3.  Kind words from a dear friend.
4.  Quiet time at home with faithful oil lamp companion.
5.  Morning's birdsong and sunshine streaming thru every window!
6.  Beginnings of buds on trees, welcomed harbingers of spring.
7.  A quick meal from the freezer.
8.  An honest, calm conversation about something that hurt my heart and the gift of being able to quietly keep bringing the conversation back to what I needed (simply to be heard).
9.  Still-fresh Valentine's Day roses beautifully unfurling.
10. The Hope and possibility of a new-found home for this parched and searching heart.

.     *     .

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Hubby promised 
on our first one together 
that I would 
have roses 
on Valentine's Day. 

This is his 28th time 
to honor his promise. 

So love him
 and that 
big heart of his.

.     *     .

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day

Another blessed snow day
after yesterday's ice storm.

It was so beautiful this morning!

we are both warm, safe, dry,
and home.

With the help of warmer temps and the wind, 
most of the ice has been knocked off
of the power lines and trees.

So it would seem this one
has quietly passed.

Thankfully breathing in this moment.


.     *     .

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Small Stone: 6 Word Saturday

Restful rhythmic rocking 





.     *      .

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Practicing Hope-Dance Turns

 ~ and hurt! ~
by just-noticed 

A quiet boundary?
No, probably more a wall.

I can certainly bang 
both head and hands
demanding entrance
night and day


I can simply notice,
feel and honor my feelings
then gently turn towards faces
of sincere warmth 
and welcome.

What would be most nourishing?

While not easy,
yes, I already know.
(And already started practicing 
these tricky True-Hope dance turns)

Please help me?
Yes, dear girl, 
we see you,
we love you,
we are here.

Remember, our love, 
that you are Enough
~ exactly as you are ~
in. this. moment.

.     *     .

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Let it Be

It's not a matter of letting go -
you would if you could.
Instead of 'Let it go,'
we should probably say
'Let it be'.
~John Kabot-Zinn

I love this quote so much.  It feels affirming and like supportive nourishment.

So rather than letting go of false hopes, perhaps I can focus on letting them be as I join in the dance with authentic and real Hope.


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