Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

~ the precious gift of a *handwritten* letter from a very dear and beloved friend. 

~ a kind woman who offered to help put my groceries in my trunk yesterday afternoon. 

~ a quiet morning filled with spaces of rest and being (as best I can).

~ a beautiful fall day brimming with sparkling sunshine. 

~ the wonderful anticipation of knowing that The Pioneer Woman's new holiday cookbook will be arriving today. 

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough). 

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Monday, October 28, 2013


We had a lovely time at yesterday's trunk-or-treat. 
Hubby wanted to do something different and this is what he came up with. 
While I helped him, he did the googling and had the vision. It was fun to watch him enjoy working on it and to see the folks appreciate our trunk.
Of course, we both enjoyed getting to see our very favorite "spooks" who dressed as
Mickey and Minnie (times 2!) Mouse

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)
.     *     .

Sunday, October 27, 2013


This lovely angel, Willow Tree's Angel of Courage,
was given to me by a very dear friend.

She said that I had more courage than
anyone she knew.

While I don't know if that's true or not, 
I was very touched by her gift and her words.

In fact it reminds me of something that occurred 
to me years ago. . . 
courage doesn't always feel like great big bravado.
Sometimes, courage feels like shaking in my boots
and doing whatever it is that my heart it telling me to anyway.

And isn't that shakiness what makes it an even braver action?


(This is me, trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Taking the Pledge

In Brene Brown's "Gifts of Imperfection" e-course, 
our pledge is: 

I am imperfect and I am enough.


(This is me, trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

. * .

Remembering to Give Thanks

One of my cherished practices to help prepare myself for Thanksgiving 
is to find something to be grateful for every. single. day. in November
and write about it.  Smiling softly because I've also 
found that this intentional exercise nourishes my heart and soul.
And when I'm faithful to it, as best I can (which is Enough)?
 By the time the fourth Thursday in November arrives, 
I find myself in a most welcomed and very grateful place.

This morning, I was working on this collage 
for my Facebook cover page for next month.
Ah, just looking at it brings a warm smile 
and the blessing of knowing
that it's already working. . . .

(This is me, trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Friday, October 25, 2013

Back at Home in my Heart

I realized earlier this week that I had been hustling for my worthiness, again!, without realizing it (again). Brene Brown's e-course on her book, The Gifts of Imperfection, started this week and between beginning to re-read her wise book (*highly* recommend this one!), and a conversation with a dear friend, I am feeling much more comfy in my own skin and back at home in my heart.

I especially resonated with this quote from page 23:
"When we can let go of what other people think and own our story, we gain access into our worthiness -- the feeling that we are enough just as we are and that we are worthy of love and belonging. When we spend a lifetime trying to distance ourselves from the parts of our lives that don't fit with who we think we're supposed to be, we stand outside of our story and hustle for worthiness by constantly performing, perfecting, pleasing, and proving. Our sense of worthiness -- that critically important piece that gives us access to love and belonging -- lives inside of our story."

Yes. And, ahhhhh . . .

(This is me, trustin' that simply showin' up is Enough)

.     *     .

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wordless Wednesday (Kinda) ~ Promising Light

The amazing, promising light of hope during sunset 
watched from a dear friend's back porch 
in the mountains over the weekend.

(This is me, trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Friday, October 18, 2013

A Rustic Bridge and Her Wise Lesson

As I've mentioned before, having recently headed off in a very different direction in my life, bridges have become an important companion and teacher for me.  Seeing this one at Killing the Vampyre, I was immediately drawn to it and I am so grateful for Dawn's kind permission to use a copy here. 

I love it's beautiful surroundings and what I'm most struck by is the dry creek bed it crosses and rustic shape it's in.  From here, the actual path of the bridge looks steady but I'm a little less certain about the rickety-looking handrails.  Smiling because, if I were out for a walk on a lovely fall day, I think I would "need," she says with a twinkle, to walk across this bridge. 

But if I were to come across her at night and/or during a storm?  I think, especially considering my constant crutch companions, it would be most wise for me to take a pass on crossing this bridge in that moment.

For me this is a timely, poignant, and welcomed reminder about the importance of using the gift of discernment.  I want to intentionally take the time to care-full-y consider my circumstances, the weather, and my abilities when choosing to cross a particular bridge in any moment.  

And, perhaps, as in life, not every bridge that presents herself to me is meant to be a part of my journey.

(This is me, trustin' that just showing up is Enough)

.     *     .   

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Let it Be

"It's not a matter of letting go ... you would if you could.  Instead of "Let it go," we should probably say "Let it be." ~ Jon Kabat-Zinn

Smiling softly because "let it be" feels so much more gentle to me than "let it go" and I'm finding it much ease-ier for me to work with, too.

A friend used to say that "let it go" felt like dropping something that was of deep concern to her and that it meant that she no longer cared (or was allowed to care).  For her, "turning it over" to her Higher Power worked much better. 

It sure made a lot of sense to me when she said it and what a great reminder that different phrases will work for and fit better for each of us.

I discovered Jon's wise quote yesterday morning when things were still going well.  Then, as sometimes happens, things took a downward turn and I had an opportunity to practice letting it (and me) be.

(This is me, trustin' that just showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

This is Water

While yesterday was a bit rocky at work, I was, very gratefully, able to shore myself up. To be honest, I am quite touched by the spiritual growth I am finding to be just "there" in myself right now. Seeds of patience and mercy, planted in tiny bits over a long period of time are growing and I am feeling grateful awe.

Finding this wise piece in my Facebook newsfeed this morning brought a warm smile and a playful side glance up to the ceiling. "Grace, are you still there watchin' over me?" (tears brim as I remember, once again, that yes, indeed, She is right *here* with me, as is Auntie Mercy). Watching this video was a powerful way to help support me in my intentions for this week (and month) of practicing calm, patience, and mercy with myself and others as we work thru our software transition at work.

Fyi - when it was posted, the person included a comment that he wasn't sure how long it'd be up before they took it down again. So if you are inclined to watch it, might wanna to try for sooner rather than later.

May we all be well and remember, as best we can in any given moment, that this is water.

(This is me, trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Saturday, October 12, 2013

It's Done!

I just finished my fall tabletop quilt.

And I'm not done smilin'!

Don'tcha just love that feeling of 
pride and joy that comes
when making something
that you love yourself?

Me, too!!

(This is me, trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Friday, October 11, 2013

Affirmation (Prayer) ~ Let Nothing Disturb Me

I love this prayer and whenever it finds it's way into my inbox, I always take the time to pass it along.  Smiling because it's a quote from my patron saint, St. Teresa of Avila, whose name I chose (or did she choose me?) at my confirmation.

Let nothing disturb me, nothing
frighten me.  Let nothing take
away my peace.  I wait with
trust and patience, knowing you
are providing for me.  I lack for
nothing in you, [Grace].  You are my
strong foundation.  You are 
enough for me.

When someone or something
challenges my inner peace, I 
turn to [Grace], trusting that I will
be given guidance and strength.

~ St. Teresa of Avila

(This is me, practicin' believin' that simply showing up is Enough.)

.     *     .

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Joy is . . .

. . . laying out a fall tabletop quilt.

I smile every time I look at it!!

(This is me, practicin' believin' that just showing up is Enough.)

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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wordless Wednesday ~ Restful Floating

(This is me, practicin' trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

~ a chilly fall morning on a day when I have time to leisurely tuck into a soft, down comforter and surround myself with candlelight.

~ rediscovering the pure joy that comes from creating art by sewing something with my own hands.

~ hubby is feeling better from his virus.

~ *and* it looks like I'm not going to catch it!

~ finding a wise passage that offers a much-needed and welcomed guiding light:
"Often when we hear the term *self-care,* we immediately think about ways to nurture ourselves physically. Actually, one of the most powerful ways to practice self-care is to start eliminating and releasing critical or judgmental thoughts about ourselves. Whether these thoughts come from feelings of inadequacy, a need to be perfect or a concern about what others think, they can have a huge impact on how you feel about yourself, how you interact in relationships and how you parent." 
~"The Mother's Guide to Self-Renewal" by Renee Peterson Trudeau, pg. 72.

(This is me, practicin' trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

~ how very blessed I feel every. single. time. I type the words above.  And how, more and more, I'm relaxing into them and learning to believe them, too.

.     *     .

Monday, October 7, 2013

Yes to this Moment ~ Beauty

Saturday's assignment for Liz Lamoreux's Yes to This Moment was a simple invitation to go outside.  The idea being that taking time in nature to notice what is around us helps to get us out of our head and back into our body and heart.

That evening I was trying to capture some pretty pink roses that had caught my eye. After several tries I gave up, sighing because their color just wasn't coming thru, appearing more neon instead of the actual subtle, deep pink. 

Ah, but this lovely Beauty was quietly waiting for me all along, patiently watching as I tried to capture her sisters, one rosebush over.  I'm sure she smiled, knowing that I wouldn't have to look far to find her. 

And when I did her, my breath caught and I warmly smiled back, delighted to see her.

Smiling softly now because Mama Grace and Auntie Mercy are just like that for me, too.  Both are always here .... whether I remember or not.  Sometimes alls I need to do is look around a little bit and there they are - never far away at all. 

(This is me, trustin' that simply showing up is Enough.) 

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Sunday, October 6, 2013

Feast of the Guardian Angels (October 2)

Being the lover of angels that I am, I was sad to realize I'd missed the feast day of the Guardian Angels this year.  But no worries, I now have an annual reminder on my calendar and, in the spirit of Enough, I am here, celebrating today.  

I grew up saying this prayer:

Angel of [Grace], my guardian dear.
To whom [her] love
commits me here.
Ever this day, be at my side 
to light and guard
to rule and guide.

I find it comforting to trust that my angel (or are there several of you?), specially chosen just for me, is watching over me.  It soothes me to know that she cares, lights, guides, prays, and loves all while sharing my little corner of the world.  It touches my heart to remember that she been with me ever since I was born and she will continue to be right here with me throughout my entire life.  

And I love having a day set aside to thank her for her gentle companionship, wise guidance and constant love.  

Which I do . . . with my whole heart.

(This is me, trustin' that just showing up is Enough)

.     *     . 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Seed of Detaching with Love

When I first saw 
this beautiful picture,

I stopped.

It was good to 
allow the resonating
beauty, truth and wisdom 

to wash over me.

I'm so drawn to this bridge 
and the gentle reminder 
that sometimes?

I just need to walk away.
As I take my light with me,
holding up my umbrella,
it is possible to leave in love   
(or kindness if that's all 
I can manage in the moment),

and trust that this is Enough.

.     *     .

I am thankful to the folks at Soulseeds for 
graciously granting me permission to use this photo.

Friday, October 4, 2013

A Life of Enough is Born in Every Moment . . .

A Life of Being, Having, and Doing Enough

Earlier this year I was delighted to realize that Wayne Muller's new book was all about Enough.  Having read several of his books before, his gentle voice is one I've come to trust.  I've loved the quote below since I first read it.  So much so that I made it part of my signature quote.  

"A life of enough is born in every moment -- in the way we listen,
the way we respond to the world, the way we see what is and
tell the truth of who we are. Every single choice, every single
moment, every change of course can bring us closer to a life
of peace, contentment, authenticity, and easy sufficiency,
a life of being, having, and doing enough."
~ Wayne Muller

His wise words remind me of the possibility that blessed Enough can be felt and experienced in any moment of my life.  Once I remember (because sometimes I do forget), then alls I have to do is be willing and open . . . to allow and make room for letting what is in this moment be Enough.

(Trustin' that just showing up is Enough.)

.     *     .   

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Plum Tired

At work we are headed towards my busiest time while also working on a very long-overdue software change.  The plan is to "go live" on Nov. 1.

It's exciting and, because we are putting a lot of new procedures in place, there's a lot to do between now and then.  So far it's been manageable and I'm remembering to breathe. :)  Keeping up with shoring myself up thru my meditation, too.

Yesterday was a long one as we had a 3-hour long phone conversation with our consultant, beginning to get things all set up.  It's exciting but I'm also feeling plum tired.

(Trustin' that just showing up is Enough)

.      *     .

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

(Almost) Wordless Wednesday ~ Stillness

our first invitation yesterday was to share a photo capturing stillness.

. . . and it is Enough.

.     *     .

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Practicing Enough

So I've seen it in Octobers past, these pick-a-theme-that-speaks-to-you and write about it for the 31 days in October blog challenges.

And part of me longs to participate.


I'm a little anxious about it and not sure I'm ready to make that kind of a writing commitment.  Especially knowing that October is one of my busiest months at work and that the heavy keying can start to hurt my hands, making it difficult to walk around on my crutches.  So there are some very real self-care concerns.

And yet.  Writing nourishes me.

So.  I began to wonder . . . what if I set out to intentionally post this month with an eye towards Enough?  What if I allowed myself the blessed permission to not worry so much about the structured 31-day commitment and just wrote?

Last year, on my journey with Mercy, I was part of a group where we did quarterly check-ins on our word and I have missed that.  I don't know that I'll be walking with Enough again next year and I'd like to spend some intentional, dedicated time to listening to what she might have to say to me.

Could this be an opportunity for me?

I'm thinking it might.  Even if all I have in me one day is to share a quote on Enough and that's all.  Maybe some days I'll share a quote about Enough and then a few thoughts on it too.

Yes.  I'm thinking this could be a wonderful way to practice Enough for me.

.     *     .

Thankful Tuesday ~ A Morning of Enough

Smiling softly because Enough is my word traveling companion for this year.  It's a lovely morning here so thought I'd focus my thank-fulls on what's right around me in this very moment.

~ a chilly, sunny morning with sunshine dappling

~ an over-sized, soft, deep plum blanket to tuck up into

~ the occasional sound of acorns falling on our roof, reminders of fall

~ a red candle and my oil lamp, both flames keeping me company

~ a morning of restful, replenishing quiet

~ the gift of space to spend some leisurely time in my jammies

~ the lovely view of our back yard thru our sliding glass door right here from my comfy chair

~ smiling back at the Grandmother oak I can always count on seeing when the blinds are open

~ the steady, reassuring company of soft tick tocks

~ the homey smell of pinon wafting from an incense stick, reminding me of warm fires in the mountains

~ the gift of my cozy home

~ delicious anticipation of the bowl of oatmeal with raisins and dried cranberries, cinnamon and a touch of cloves for breakfast

~ the blessing of knowing that in this moment?  There is Enough.

.     *     .