Saturday, November 30, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 30

Today I am grateful for this wonderful way of connecting with one another and very thankful for those of you who joined in and/or followed along with me on this month-long blessing basking journey. Friend, never doubt that your kind presence was welcomed company and nourishment along the way.

Smiling softly this chilly Saturday morning because my introvert heart is ready and longing for the quieter, more meditative practices of the season of Advent.  May we all wait well and in joyful hope, as best we can in any given moment, all while trustin' and restin' in the Truth that our best is always, *always* Enough.  And really, what more can we give than our imperfect, sometimes messy best?

Love and blessings to you all! <3

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Friday, November 29, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 29

Today I am grateful 
for a quiet day 
to rest, 
to be, 
to watch a movie, 
Disney's "Brave,"
(what a *good* one!),
and now nap!

(This is me trustin' the simply showing up is Enough)

.     *      .

Blessing Basking ~ Day 28 ~ Thanksgiving Day

I am grateful for the the gift of family ~ whether by birth, by marriage, and/or by heart. Having 
had to spend holidays and other special days away from dear ones before and (((knowing)))) 
that heart-*ache,* I especially appreciate the gift of getting to spend our Thanksgiving with and enjoying our family here.

Whispering a quiet prayer for, and sending love to, those who, for whatever reason, weren't able 
to do the same. <3

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Blessing Basking ~ Day 27

I am grateful for a quieter, much more low-key and relaxed day at work. Thankful, too, for a lovely lunch shared by the much smaller group of us who were there that day.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 26

Today I am grateful for all of the people who work steadily and consistently to keep my world functioning smoothly. To name a few ~ our mailman, our garbage men, our always-friendly dry-cleaners, salesclerks willing to help me locate items in the store, smiling cashiers, and especially the folks at my grocery store who walk out with me, put my bags in my trunk, and drive the motorized cart back inside the store for me.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Monday, November 25, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 25

Today I am grateful for my old, comfy, brown la-z-boy rocker, gifted to me by Tadd's Granddaddy (we think it's 40 years old!). Smiling because Granddaddy knew that I loved it and, whenever we would visit his house, he would often insist that I sit in it while we were there.

Then, when he replaced it 21 years ago, I was *so* tickled when he wanted to give it to me. Of course, I happily accepted! I especially love how I can lean back and rock at the same time. 

Grinning because in the mornings I will often find Tadd sitting in it before he starts his day. While it's a little worn, it's still a good one and very loved.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 24

Today I am deeply grateful for the holy times in my life when those around me have been willing and able to be fully present to me and my tender heart.  Their kind, grace-filled companionship, especially when tears are spilling (like today), have helped, blessed and touched me so much.

And, because as a wise one once said to me, if we live long enough, we will all experience things from both sides, I am also very thankful for those moments that I have been entrusted with helping to gently hold someone else's dear heart.

(Where on earth would we be without one another?)

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 23

Today I am thankful for some relaxing time 
and leisurely space to play 
with paints, markers, pictures, and glitter!

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(These pages are actually from a couple weeks back)

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(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Friday, November 22, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 22

Today I am grateful for a warm bowl 
on a chilly, laid-back Friday evening.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *      .

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 21

Today I am grateful for a quiet, peaceful evening 
spent with Grace, a few angel friends, 
and my new twinkle lights.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Blessing Basking ~ Day 20

I am grateful to have a job and one that is so well-suited for me. Who knew that preparing bills could be creative and satisfying? :) And yet, for me and my eye for detail, it really is. I enjoy making sure each bill is laid out just right, looks and sounds professional, and that the sometimes tricky allocations are just as the partner wanted.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 19

Hoping you won't mind a little story before I share today's gratitude. Smiling softly because this one really is about basking in a tremendous blessing . . .

I was shopping this morning and an elderly gentleman struck up a conversation with me in the canned foods aisle. He said he hoped I wouldn't have to be driving the motorized carts for much longer, that there was a time that he had been driving them but had recovered from his spinal surgery.

I told him that I am a 36-year bone cancer survivor and that most of my left femur had been removed, making that leg about 8" shorter which is why I am on crutches. And, as I usually do, I added with a twinkle that, considering the alternative, I would take crutches.

He told me that his first wife had died from cancer and I said that I was sorry for his loss. While he seems to have come to some peace about it, I sensed he still misses her (do we ever fully recover from a loss of a love?). We chatted a while longer and parted shortly after that.

Later, I didn't realize he was behind me in the check-out line until he walked up to me, touched me on the shoulder and said "you know, folks donate their bones when they die, too." He then told me that his son had died in a car wreck and they had donated his organs. When asked about donating his son's bones as well he said the family just couldn't bring themselves to do that, too.

I was so touched by his kindness in reaching out to me and my heart still aches that he's had so much tragedy in his life. Saying no (Enough) to giving his son's bones as well as his organs, feels very understandable to me.

I lovingly looked at him and said thank you, I've had some major problems with big time infections and so I'm done (with surgery). He smiled knowingly as he patted me on the shoulder and said "good for you," and then walked back to his place in line.

He was still on my mind as I collected my crutches from customer service and put my shopping bags in my trunk. As I was driving away I smiled softly and tears welled because it dawned on me (I had a spiritual awakening), that I have been on the receiving end of what must be an extremely courageous and terribly heartbreaking thing for a family to do.

And, at the same time, what an honorable, dignified and amazing way for a family to allow their dearly beloved to leave a legacy . . .

Back in 1984, what I've always called a "cadaver" bone (because that's what my doctors called it) was inserted into my leg. It was hoped that my bone would grow up into it. I was able to use it for 4 years before another very bad infection made it so that it had to be removed from me (too).

It brings tears to think about what a gift that person and their family gave to me by donating his or her femur. 

What a holy and sacred thing to do . . .

. . . what a holy and sacred gift to give

. . . what a holy and sacred gift to receive.

Truly, I am deeply, richly blessed by their generosity and I am very,



(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Monday, November 18, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 18

on the 27 anniversary 
(plus 1 month!) 
of our first date, 
I am thankful 
… so *very* thankful … 
for my darlin' hubby, 

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 17

on a chilly, dark, foggy afternoon 
(and after a long week at work), 
I am grateful to be inside, 
snuggled up in a warm blanket 
resting and writing.  

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 16

Today I am so thankful for the blessing of attending mass on a Saturday evening in November. I so love the quiet stillness of being in a warm, hushed, darkened church on a chilly evening, praying and singing by candlelight, and getting to see and hug a very dear friend.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Friday, November 15, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 15

Today I am thankful for
(and *still* smiling over!)
the gingerbread house postage stamps
I bought today.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)
.     *     .

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 14

Today I am grateful for the feeling of contented tiredness that comes from a day well spent. 

Sweet dreams, all!

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

. * .

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 13

Today, on a chilly fall morning, I am grateful for a steaming bowl of cinnamon, ginger, and dried cherry oatmeal, served my family's way with a pat of butter and a sprinkling of brown sugar.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 12

Today, on a cold, blustery evening, 
I am grateful for heat, 
warm slippers, 
and a soft, down comforter.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Monday, November 11, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 11

Today, on Veteran's Day, I am thankful for all of the men and women and their families who have offered their service. Thank you all for so selflessly sharing your time, energy, blood, sweat, and tears to keep us safe.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Sunday, November 10, 2013

Gratitude ~ Thoughts and Practices

The very real truth is that gratitude can be really, *really* tricky for me.  

There were times in my past that it was sometimes used as a silencer.  So rather than be invited (and taught) to sit with and feel the hard, messy, shadow feelings, I was sometimes encouraged/bullied to think of what I was grateful for, often *wa-a-a-a-y* before I was ready. 

Today, for the most part, I do know that it really wasn't about me, simply an attempt to ease their own discomfort (and inabilities).

.     *     .

In years past, I've made angels and the week before Thanksgiving I'd send them to a few dear folks who had been especially kind to me that year.  Along with their angel, I would also tuck in a note naming the ways they had been an angel for me and why I was counting them as one of my blessings that year.  Adoring snail mail as I do, I loved the idea of them finding a wonderful surprise in their mailbox during the quieter time of Thanksgiving. 

A very unexpected side-effect of my Thanksgiving angel practice was how *grateful* I felt afterwards. I also realized that I didn't feel so alone in my struggles which, with my history of bone cancer as a teen, was a real healing blessing.  So, she says with a soft smile, I do *know* the power of practicing gratitude. Thru experience, what I also know is that I want to use great care in when and how I use it.

For the past several years, it's become my practice to name one blessing every day in November and use that as my Facebook status.  I love to write and I find this gives me an opportunity to practice a bit plus it does help to keep me focused on the blessings in my life during what tends to be an intense time for me at work.  Some days (this week!), it's felt a bit like faking it 'til I make it and that's ok, too, because I'm clear on my intention --> I want to notice and bask in the very real blessings that *are* here. 

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Blessing Basking ~ Day 10

Today I am grateful for some leisurely time to take a nice, hot bath while reading a soul nourishing book. (Barbara Brown Taylor's An Altar in the World)

An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 9

Today I am grateful for a day to putter, rest and be, all while the heavenly scent of homemade cinnamon applesauce made from North Georgia apples wafts thru our home.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Friday, November 8, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 8

Today, on two of their birthdays, I am thankful for
each one of our 27 nieces and nephews,
including our 3 "greats." 
Smiling fondly because younger people
bring so much joy to our lives, don't they?

(This picture was taken last summer
when a few of them came to the airport
with us to say good-bye.)

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 7

Today, I am thankful for the stores that provide motorized carts for their shoppers. With their help I am able to take care of most of our household shopping all by myself (well, along with my crutch companions, Bert and Ernie) and that feeling of independence is very nice.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 6

Today I am thankful for the sound of the quietly soothing tick-tocks of our living room clock. When meditating this afternoon here in my chair, as I finally slowed down my breathing, settling in to rest and to be for a few minutes, it brought a warm smile to hear her faithful "heart" beating with mine . . . still.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 5

Today I am thankful for our warm, comfortable, 
and welcoming home to come home to  . . . 

. . . and for the dear man I share it with.

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Monday, November 4, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 4

Today I am thankful to work in an office where, for the most part, we strive to be and act professional, both with our clients and one another. As to be expected from any group of humans trying to work together, we don't always make the mark. For me, the most important part is that we each, as best we can on any given day, make it our intention to practice profesionalism, which creates a much more pleasant work environment.

(This is me, trusting' that simply showing up is Enough)

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Sunday, November 3, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 3

This past week at work was a long, hard one. We had 3 full days of training on our new software system plus my busy billing season has now begun. The truth is I am still feeling weary and "spent."

Tonight I am very thankful for some quiet sabbath time. On this dark night, I am held by my comfy brown rocking chair given to me by Granddaddy.  Surrounding us is soft flickering candlelight, treasured angels that bring warm smiles, soothing, heart-nourishing music, and a cherished bracelet that reminds me to "water your soul."

(This is me trustin' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *      .

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Blessing Basking ~ Day 2

Today I am thankful to live in such a beautiful part of the world. 

With it being fall here, it is awe-some to behold the trees 

as they change into their glorious splendor right before my very eyes. 

Smiling because, at times, their festive party dresses of gold, orange, red and green 

seem to sparkle like sequins against the clear and vivid, sky-blue sky.

(This is me trusting' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Friday, November 1, 2013

Giving Thanks - Day 1

Today I am thankful for my Moma, grandparents, dear friends, and relatives who have passed on before me. I am smiling softly, ever-grateful for their presence in my life and for the bits and pieces of their lives, their wisdom, their hearts and their love they so freely and kindly shared with me. 

May each one rest in peace and, during this very special "thin time," may they know how much I miss and love them.

.     *      .

The picture above is a reminder of how blessed, deep healing does happen.  My Moma had flown out to come see me during a very difficult time in the hospital.  I had only been a Georgian for 7 months and married for 3.  Before I even saw her, I *knew* she was on her way to my room because I recognized the sound of her walk in the hospital hallway floors.  It was music to my heart and soul.

(This is me trusting' that simply showing up is Enough)

.     *     .

Giving Thanks

As I mentioned last week, it has become my cherished November tradition to take a moment each day to remember something that I am thankful for. I am smiling softly because I've found over the years that when I intentionally take the time to count my blessings and name them, by the time Thanksgiving arrives (the fourth Thursday in November here in the states), I am feeling very blessed indeed. 

The photo above is one I took a couple weeks back.  I made a collage from it so that it would serve as a gentle reminder to myself because, as with any practice, some days are easier than others. (Which is why we call it a "practice," yes?) 

I'm also keeping this photo close because I want it to serve as a gentle reminder to bask in my blessings.

If you would like to join me in my intentional thanksgiving and blessing basking, know that you would be most welcome.

(This is me trusting' that simply showing up is Enough)

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