Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Happy Mardi Gras


 It's the day we get to eat pancakes for supper. 

Today is called "Fat Tuesday" (or Shrove Tuesday). 
Back in the day, today was when folks ate up the last of their richer foods l
ike eggs and dairy before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. 

And what better way to do that than with pancakes?

Hubby and I have enjoyed this tasty tradition for a good many years now. 

Happy Mardi Gras!

. 🎉 . 🏮 . 🎈 .

.           *            .

Orange You Glad to See Me...? Again!

The color orange has been showing up for me a lot lately. 

I smiled big to notice it winking at me 
from this sweet lovely that has been quietly hanging 
in our bathroom for years. 


.           *              .

Monday, February 27, 2017

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Sunday Evening

Playing on the computer while hubby watches the last laps of the Daytona 500.

.          *           .

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Visiting our newest little one

Niece and Auntie bonding time. 

I had just asked our sweet middle girl, 
"so are we gonna to keep her?" 

And she replied, 
quite enthusiastically I might add, 
"no, *we're* gonna keep her!" 

(Guess she thought I was thinking that I might take 
her little sister home with me <wink>)


Uncle giving little brother a hand.

(love the love between them)

Big sister is a natural! 


Holding baby sister


Watching Batman after bathtime

.            *              .

A Gift of Grounded

Before I begin my story, I want to tell you that my word for this year is Grounded. 

.          *          .         *          .

I was so delighted to learn that signing up for a year of Talisman of the Month Club meant 
that I'd receive a soap stone bowl to hold all of my talisman. Knowing Liz intentionally 
chooses what she sends to each person, I practiced Trusting that the color of my bowl would 
be just right. 

Still, she adds with a twinkly grin, I was hoping for a lovely deep pink or beautiful turquoise 

When my box arrived, part of me wanted to tear into it right then. Instead, since I was headed 
for work and wanting to give myself the gift of receiving my package intentionally, I waited. 
Turns out, the anticipation was indeed delicious. When the time finally arrived I settled into 
my chair and took my time with each little envelope and discovering the treasures tucked 
inside. Opening the little muslin bag and finding this month's talisman, I'm sure I must have 
purred (just as I did again just now).

Kind, Brave and Curious? 


After putting my hand to my heart, closing my eyes, and whispering a little prayer to Trust 
the process (and Liz), I care-filledly unwrapped the deep purple tissue paper and found this 
soap stone bowl. When I first saw it, my heart fell a little bit because truth be told, the color 
Orange has never ever really been one of my favorites.

Gently noticing my disappointment and tenderly encouraging myself to Be Kind, Be Brave, 
and Be Curious, while I wasn't sure about the middle, I reminded myself that I do so love 
hearts and the swirls around the edges reminded me of the Valentine's Day roses sweet 
hubby had just given to me a few days before.

As I sat with my chosen-just-for-me bowl here next to me for the next few days, it dawned 
on me that Orange has actually been showing up in a few different places for me lately. It 
started when I was making a small quilt for a friend 8 weeks back and orange wanted to 
be a part of it. "Orange?!" I surprisedly thought to myself. But as I tried different fabrics, 
I knew. 

Yes, Orange. 

A couple of days ago in looking around at my little corner from the vantage point of my 
chair, I noticed that the sweet popsicle frame, a handmade Christmas gift from my darling 
6-year old niece has 2 lines of orange washi tape on it. And the "You are my Sunshine" cross 
stitch picture made for me by my goddaughter (her first project!) last year? Most of her 
stitching is in Orange. Sitting next to it is a gift from a dear friend from several years back, 
such a cheerful picture with a lot of Orange in it as well.

Ok. So now I really *was* Curious and googled "which chakra is Orange?" As you already 
know, Orange is the color of the sacral chakra. 

Interesting how I keep reading it as the "sacred" chakra. 

I learned this color represents my pelvis and gut feelings, "the centre of being through 
which we connect with the deepest voice of the self, the deepest stillness and wisdom".

And when I think about having bone cancer in my hip as a teen and that my crutches 
are permanent... so it literally has been hard for me to physically stand my ground at times
and sometimes in my truth... and remembering that we really do work thru things in a 
spiral - hey! like the spiral in the middle of my bowl! - and realizing that the center of my 
heart bowl feels like my heart, especially when I'm gently holding it in my hand, like in 
my photo....

Hmmmm.... this is feeling more and more right.
So maybe, just maybe, she adds with a twinkle, I received the perfect bowl for me after all! 

Smiling softly as the truth is 
I have become quite attached 
to my Orange heart 
and I wouldn't want any other.

Well lookie here, she says with a warm smile.

A gift of Grounded. 

Blessed be.

.           *              .


Quiet Saturday Morning Moment


(Offer whatever light you can)


.            *            .

Friday, February 24, 2017

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Spring Preview

This gorgeous, spring-like morning held sky blue skies, 
cheerful birdsong, 
mild temps, 
lovely white Bradford Pear blossoms!

.     .      .

Lookie at who else is waking up! 


.           *            .

Morning Prayers

Up for a few more minutes after seeing darlin' hubby off on what will be a l-o-n-g day. 
One of his co-worker's 92-year old father died and today is the funeral in Savannah. 
Their work culture is family oriented and so several fellas are carpooling the 3.75 hour drive(s). Holding them all in prayers while wishing them safe journeys and traveling mercies. 

 May Marvin's dad Rest In Peace. 

🙏🏻  .  💙  .  🕯

.             *             .

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Gentle Reminder to Self

The back of my new mug says, 
"Offer whatever light you can."

Smiling warmly as I share that it's my Hope that this cute, quirky kitty 
will be good company for me and my word for 2017, 
in the coming year (and beyond).

Grateful for some quiet time to write
this morning and listen well to my heart.

Grounding myself in the truth 
of where I am in this moment
by exploring and acknowledging 
what light I truly am able to offer right now
"for fun and for free"
(so with no expectations or obligations attached.)

Blessed be.

.          *            .

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Cold, Rainy Afternoon in February?

Rouge One!

It's been awhile since we've seen a movie in the theatre
and this was the perfect day.

.          *           .

Friday, February 17, 2017

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Morning Glories

.         *           .

She's Here!! She's Here!!

Introducing our newest niece, 
Juniper Hope, 
born this morning at 6:28 a.m.
6 lbs, 13 oz
18" long

We had the pleasure of meeting her this evening.

And it was love at first sight!

Isn't she beautiful?

It was so cute... she's a squeaker!
The whole time I held her, 
she kept her eyes closed
but she kept making these sweet little noises.

So grateful she arrived safe and healthy
and both her and mama are doing well.

.          *              .

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wednesday Ordinary Moments

Love daffodils and a clear, blue sky.

All set for another 4 years. 


.            *           .

Breakfast Guest

Lookie at who stopped by our back yard 
for breakfast yesterday morning! 

. . 

In the 23 years we've lived in this neighborhood, 
I've only seen deer a couple of times 
and that has been just in the past year 
and *never* in our yard, not 20 feet from me before! 



.          *           .

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Keeping his promise . . .

... for the 30th time. 


Much to my delight,
on our very first Valentine's Day,
he brought me a gorgeous bouquet
of 6 red roses.
He then made the unexpected promise
that I would always have roses 
on Valentine's Day.

And he's stayed true to his word.

(He also does it for our anniversary in May.)

I do love him so!

Blessed be.

.         *           .

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Sabbathing (and Watching)

Sabbathing: soaking, savoring, sending. 


Shhh.... Our baby niece, due any day, 
has started making movements towards her arrival. 

.          *           .

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Saturday Evening

Lighting candles and whispering prayers. 


Patio picnic supper...

.... in February!

.          *          .

Friday, February 10, 2017

Windin' 'er Down

One of my main tasks at work in the last little while 
has been winding down a software program 
that I came to really enjoy working in.

.          *            .

Wednesday, February 8, 2017


Found a wonderful surprise on my desk this morning!

.            *             .

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Spending the day with the plumber

Gratefully, we know and trust him.

.          *           .

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Rise Up!

Superbowl Sunday 

Goooooo Falcons!


.          *             .

Friday, February 3, 2017

Spring Peeking Thru

Joyful pink blossoms against today's grey, cloudy backdrop. 


My neighborhood Tulip tree friend is already blooming! 


.           *          .

Wednesday, February 1, 2017