Sunday, August 31, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 31 - Love

Beautiful sunset
a pleasant ending
to a delightful late-summer day
spent with loved ones.

.            *            .

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 27 - Lines

This kind, old friend
greets me every time
I leave
every time
I come home.
(Alls I need to do is simply pay attention.) 
.            *            .

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I'm needing a gentle reminder today.

In a move of thought-filled self-care and wanting to lean into and honor both of my love languages, Words of Affirmation and Touch, I took this selfie.

I suffered from earaches as a young girl and I remember lying on the couch with my head in Moma's lap so she could pour the warmed medicine in my ear.  She would then gently move my earlobe around so the oil would be evenly distributed. 
Lying there for a while (probably as instructed) she would then stroke my hair and ear and I still remember how so-o-o-o-o-othing it all felt. 
(Ah, so it would seem that Touch has been a love language of mine for a very long time.)
As a way to recapture some of that special one-on-one time with my Moma, I intentionally placed the "Trust" in my selfie over the hair on my brow.

Smiling softly as I imagine her (and many other beloveds) stroking me right there with patient reassurance and whispering:

"Trust, sweet one.
Just trust."

.            *            .

August Break 2014 - Day 26 - Morning

The beautiful morning view
from my chair.

.            *             .

Monday, August 25, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 25 - Little

A bead from a bracelet
made for me by a friend
in celebration of my 50th birthday
(2 years ago)
.               *              .

Sunday, August 24, 2014

August Break - Day 24 - Memory

Moma put this sweet little guy
on my birthday cake one year
when we were back visiting.

Here she is decorating the cake
that my sweet angel sat on
with two very cute helpers 
looking on.

Smiling because I still remember 
the joy she felt
in having her little grandkids
looking on with *such* interest.

.             *             .

August Break 2014 - Day 23 - Adornment

Sweet hubby 
and some other friends 
who keep me company 
while I prepare meals.

.               *              .

Thursday, August 21, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 21 - Treasures

A few cherished treasures that keep me company at work. 

.              *              .

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 20 - Peaceful

This is the waiting area of our office
and it feels so peaceful to me.

This peaceful pond isn't too far from here
and the splash is a fishie!

.             *             .

Sunday, August 17, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 17 - Bookshelf

This shelf is right behind 
my old, comfy brown rocker-recliner 
making it easy to lean back 
and grab one of my favorites. 

.            *             .

Friday, August 15, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 15 - Blue

A very special gift 
from our very dear goddaughter. 

.          *           .

Miracles Do Happen

They do indeed. 

My dearly beloved Daddy is much better!

.            *           .

Thursday, August 14, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 14 - Hands

Someone very dear to me is on my heart 
(and in my prayers). 

.            *             .

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 13 - Guilty Pleasure

While I don't know about the "guilty" part, 
grinning because 
I sure enjoy the pleasure of mandala making and markers. 

.             *            .

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 12 - On the Table

Beautiful angel, sweet birdie, and my crutches, Bert and Ernie. 

.              *             .

Sunday, August 10, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 10 - Drink

Enjoying cherry limes and some lovely Sunday afternoon downtime. 

.          *           .

Saturday, August 9, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 9 - In my bag

Two friends tucked in my coin purse 
so that I see them 
every time I need change.  
The dancing lady is a gift 
from a wise one 
and the "angel" key 
reminds me to look 
for Grace's presence 
all around me.

.            *             .

Friday, August 8, 2014

Poetry Challenge - Second Try!

Ok, so I did another one!

(Hmmmm, she says with a twinkle, could this poetry practice be my next mandala-like craze? )

Life lessons passed down
from mother to daughter
working side by side
all hearts are watered

Stoves, sinks and countertops,
classrooms disguised as kitchens
bodies and souls are nourished
while washing the dishes

Even at funerals and weddings
womenfolk will gather
to witness and share
their news, tears, and banter

Easily summed up like this:
at the end of the day
what attracts them together
are the deep connections made
and, yes, of course, the laughter.


This time my words were: anonymous, funeral, wedding, liquor, attract, daughter, loyal, day, kitchen, summed. They were all found on page 29 of the book, "Being Dead Is No Excuse: The Official Southern Ladies Guide to Hosting the Perfect Funeral" by Metcalfe and Hays

.            *            .

August Break 2014 - Day 8 - Selfie

A quiet morning moment.

.            *            .

Poetry Challenge

I've dabbled a little bit in poetry and have enjoyed it every time.  Curious if I could find any, I googled "poetry prompts" yesterday and found a lovely list of "30 Prompts for National Poetry Month" here.  

The first one is:  Grab the closest book. Go to page 29. Write down 10 words that catch your eye. Use 7 of words in a poem. For extra credit, have 4 of them appear at the end of a line.

The closet book is one I'm slowly working my way thru (and would recommend), Palmer Parker's, Healing the Heart of Democracy.  Here's the poem I came up with.

Unspoken confessions
buried deep within,
accidental cradle
of memories and skin

Ancient, hopeless thirst
yearns for relief,
wherever on earth
did I get so much grief?

Unquestioned lives
cannot educate,
but spiritual seeking,
in time, emancipates

No need to do it alone
for help comes in many forms,
friends, mentors, and family,
welcomed shelter in the storms

.          *          .

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What Went Well Wednesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Gently wise book, surprise from a co-worker, lunchtime soul nourishment
2.  Feeling more grounded as we walk thru a pretty big changing-of-the-guard at work
3.  Better night's rest (and sleep)
4.  Creativity unearthed during month-long photo challenge
5.  Hubby's patient help with electronic music
6.  Quiet assurances that I really do have more expertise than most in our new system
7.  Working thru tasks at a pace that feels right for me
8.  Kindness and humility radiating from new "guard"
9.  Tensions easing in others, too
10. Clean laundry

.            *            .

August Break 2014 - Day 6 - Reflection

.          *          .

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 5 - Three

Three guardian angels,
who happen to be cowgirls,
named Faith, Friends, and Family. 
.            *             .

Monday, August 4, 2014

August Break 2013 - Day 4 - Orange

Happy Kite Stained Glass Mandala
.          *           .

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Saturday, August 2, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 2 - Pattern

Treasured quilt.
birthday gift 
from a dear sister.

.          *          .

Friday, August 1, 2014

August Break 2014 - Day 1 - Lunch

Because journaling and drinking tea from a favorite mug are nourishment, too. 

A Love Letter to Debbie Jo

(me, 4 years old)

Dearest Debbie Jo,

Yes, wee one,
still alive and well,
and watching from
inside my heart . . .

She's gone.

And I *know*
it scratches at
some tender,
broken places.

(How on earth could it not?)

But this time?
It's different.

I know, my love.
It's hard to believe,
when the feelings
and the memories
are so present.
Big, yet *almost*

But it really is
.  .  .  true  .  .  .

I, the woman,
Debbie Grace
am here now,
 .   .  too   .   .

You are no longer
.  .  .  alone .  .  .
That precious child,
.  .  abandoned  .  .
by her beloved Moma
at a time when you
so desperately needed her.

It *was* devastating,
no doubt about that.
But that all happened
a lifetime ago.
(dropping to a whisper)
It's over now, my sweet.

So cry the tears,
bottled up for years,
aching, *needing* to be shed.
This is how healing spreads.

And when you are ready,
as best you can,
come back
.  .  (((home)))  .  .
to *this* moment.

Intentionally take the time
to look around and see.
Nesting in the safety of the
warm, encircling sea.

I am here
Mama Grace is here
Auntie Mercy is here
And, lookie right over there ...
Sisters, Enough and Hope,
are keeping watch, too

Gently wrap yourself
in our tender care,
watching as each one
joins her love with
that of all of the other
so-honored-to-be-yours mothers.

Moma, who can
now love you as
she yearns towards you
from her perch in heaven.

All of your grandmothers . . .
by blood,
by marriage
and by heart.

Trust that we all
love you very much.

Raise your weeping eyes
and look to us,
listening and receiving
our crucial words of
blessed affirmation.

As I gently
cup your face,
close your eyes
and lean in,
trusting each one's hand
covers mine
as we
. . . . . all . . . . .
send love and healing
to those deepest,
aching scars.

You're ok, Little One.

And this wave of grief?
It will pass.
Just like all of the others have.

I promise.

All my love,
Debbie Grace
who is still trustin' in Mama Grace, Auntie Mercy, Enough, and now Hope

.           *           .