Sunday, February 28, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 28 :: Time

Lookie who I found peeking out this afternoon! 

Every day for the last little while, 
I've been watching this special spot 
in our monkey grass 
right next to the mother oak 
that holds up the left side of my porch swing, 
for our delicate, purple crocuses 
to say hello.

Smiling because I couldn't see them from our breezeway yesterday.

I guess this one decided 
was the perfect day to yawn and stretch, 
push thru the dried oak leaves 
and bloom where she's planted... 

just as she does every spring.

Mother Nature is a such a gentle teacher 
on how there really is 
a time 
for every season 
and no need to rush, 
isn't she? 


.              *             .

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 27 :: Presence

Today we said a much too early and very unexpected goodbye 
to a kind church friend. 

Practicing Presence has been:

gathering together, 
trading stories, 
eyes welling, 
fierce hugs, 
belly laughter, 
tissues dabbing, 
awkward standing, 

finding seats, 
unison praying, 
singing her favorites, 
benediction blessing, 

catching up, 

and sharing a potluck 
(both food and love). 
(Everyone brings what they are able, yes?) 



.              *            .

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 25 :: Rest

Reached a fun milestone today and, 
for sure, 
meditation can be very rest-filled. 

So grateful for an opportunity to practice Cultivating Enough 
by letting it be ok that I am showing up when I am able.


.              *                .

Friday, February 12, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 12 :: Comfort

A warm surprise from my darlin' girl was tucked in our mailbox today.  

The sweet, just-learning handwriting and happy flock of hearts,
 all drawn with love, 
comfort and bless my heart.

.             *              .

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 11 :: Flourish

Sparkling morning sunshine and cheerful birdie greetings 
blesses me so, gently encouraging me to flourish. 
I am fondly reminded of the lovely quote from the Talmud: 

"Every blade of grass has an angel 
that bends over it and whispers, 'Grow!  Grow!"  



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Cultivating Enough :: Day 10 :: Joy

This paperweight sat on the desk 
of a kind woman who was helping me recently.  

It still brings a warm smile to remember how 
she radiated more joy than her sweet little rock. 


.             *           .

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 9 :: Nourishment

Sitting next to a gently flickering flame 
(or two!) (or three!) 
fills me with the vitamin of Peace.

Allowing myself to rest when weary 
provides the mineral of Hope.

Journaling helps satisfy 
my hunger for connection.

And being in the company of angels 
reminds me that, even when it might feel like it 
(and, boy-oh-boy, sometimes it so feels like it!), 
I am not ever eating alone.

And when all of these are lovingly,  
care-filled-ly stirred together?

A tried and true recipe 
for this heart and soul's deep needs 
for nourishment indeed. 

.             *            .

Monday, February 8, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 8 :: Boundaries

Years ago a wise one, who knew and loved me well, made the keen observation that my eye 
for detail is so well tuned that I notice details without even realizing it. She said that the 
things I notice are just "there" for me (so it's not something I'm seeking out) and that most 
of the folks around me simply don't see what I see. (And so they are able to let them go, 
sometimes a whole heckuva a lot easier than I am).

I've noticed lately that, once again, I've been tempted to pull off my path and get stuck in the
ditch ruminating about what I'm noticing that could be improved, especially at work. Smiling 
softly because with my wiring and conditioning, this one may be a lifelong journey for me so 
even that becomes a practice. Can I be gentle with myself when noticing this old pattern 
coming up in me again?

I am growing quite fond of this mug and it's quirky little angel playfully reminding me to 
"Water Seeds, Pull Weeds" and so I'm asking her to be my guide and teacher in the next 
little while.

I want to focus on what is going well and water those seeds rather than getting stuck in the 
weeds, *especially* those I can do nothing about, simply don't have the time, energy, or 
patience for, and/or are not mine to tend to.

It dawned on me this morning (so I had a spiritual awakening) that it really comes down to intentionally practicing my word for the year, Abide. By making a conscious choice (again 
and again if need be) about *where* I want my attention, dear heart and beautiful soul to 
Abide, and then honoring my choice, I am setting and holding internal boundaries.

Of course, there are times when weeding needs to be done. I just want to use care and be 
mindful of when I might be stuck in a ditch, overgrown with weeds. So a playful example 
would be, "Whoops! That's a weed, Deb, not a seed!" 

With the help of my Gardening Angel, Mama Grace, Auntie Mercy, Hope and Peace, may I 
become a good winnower, one who is learning the art of separating the seeds from the weeds.

.              *             .

Cultivating Enough :: Day 7 :: Quiet

So this sweet moment happened last night.  


We were gathered around the Super Bowl as a family, having just been treated to a yummy 

I was relishing the heart filling moments when I had both of his big sisters sitting with me 
and, seeing him standing at the edge of the love seat, I could tell he wanted to join us. 

After a little boost, he crawled right up to me and then laid on me. I was more than delighted 
to welcome him in and share the hug he was so clearly asking me for.  Or perhaps he was 
wanting to give me one?  (Who says babies can't talk?). 

His quiet gift still melts my heart and I am so grateful that his mama captured this treasured 
memory forever. 

.              *               .

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 6 :: Play

I so enjoyed watching the two of them playing and laughing. 

And it melted my sweet hubby's heart 
when our nephew wanted to stay with him 
rather than go with mom.

(for a few minutes anyway)

Pure joy to be sure.

.            *            .

Friday, February 5, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 5 :: Movement

My trusty crutch companions, Bert and Ernie, are permanent so  always close at hand whenever 
the hankering to move strikes. 

The blue rocker recliner is Tadd's granddaddy's 40-year old brown Laz-y-Boy, spiffed up last 
Fall with both a new cover and spring under the seat. 

Hands down, the most soothing kind of movement for me is rocking whether it be a rocking 
chair or a porch swing. 

(But you already knew that, yes?)

A little bit more about my crutches:

I named my crutches a lo-o-o-o-o-ng time ago when the first of our 29 nieces and nephews
were small. Never wanting my crutches to feel intimidating to little ones, naming them after 
a couple of Sesame Street characters that our (and most other) kiddies knew seemed just right.

Our nieces and nephews all know they can play with my crutches anytime they want as long 
as they bring them to me when I need them, which they always do right away. It brings me so 
much pleasure when we go back for our annual visit to watch them discover with so much 
delight how much they've grown since our last visit and how much better they can use them.

As an aside, when 3 of our nieces drew a picture of all of the members of our family, they remembered to include my constant companions, Bert and Ernie. For me that was so very endearing.... 

A little bit more about why my crutches are permanent:

Folks either not knowing about or remembering my crutches is actually one of the best 
compliments someone can pay me.... I *so* don't want my crutches to be the first (and last) 
thing folks know/remember about me.

I am a 38-year bone cancer survivor (left hip). While I've never had a recurrence (so grateful!), 
I've had problems with BIG TIME infections. During the last one, almost 28 years ago, I was 
in the hospital for 3 months, just three short weeks after marrying my dear hubby, and all this 
was 8 months after we moved here, away from my entire family.

Because we couldn't get the infection cleared up, they started removing stuff... too far gone 
tissue and the hardware that held the cadaver bone to what little I had left of my left femur 
from the prior big bad infection (it was hoped that my bone would grow up into the cadaver 
bone but that didn't work out so they removed it as well) so my crutch companions are here 
to stay. 

And for the most part, she says with a twinkle, as traveling companions go, we get along 
quite well. <wink>

.            *            .

Spring is Coming

Guess who's starting to develop buds?


.             *           .

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 4 :: Gratitude

Had a doctor's appointment today and, knowing they expected my late arrival, rather than 
drive straight in to work, I decided to take the scenic route and practice not feeling one ounce 
of guilt.  

It was a gorgeous morning, unseasonably mild temps, deep blue sky cradling big, puffy 
white clouds, sunshine sparkling on the calm, muddy brown water and, as I was turning 
around my car, I was beyond delighted to discover Canadian geese gathered on water's edge 
not far from me. 

Looking back at this photo this evening brings a warm smile and in my mind's eye I am sitting 
in the little wooden park bench, warming and feeding this water baby's soul (again). 

And it is Enough.

.             *            .

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 3 :: Space

Resting in the space after work with a mug of hot, creamy chai tea. 
Warm, spicy aroma entices nourishing deep breaths 
while cheerful angel gently smiles her wisdom, 
"Water Seeds Pull Weeds." 


.             *             .

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 2 :: Ritual

Everyday before I start my work day I always fill my cup with water 
and then I like to take a few moments to fill my spiritual cup 
by quietly reading a wise blessing, quote, and/or poem 
(or two or three). 

.              *             .

Monday, February 1, 2016

Cultivating Enough :: Day 1 :: Connection

I think my favorite thing about this picture is the softness I see in my face.

I've come a long way since I arrived home from work this afternoon,
filled up with tense rumination.

An evening of putting my house in order,
starting laundry,
watching cooking shows,
and cross stitching
has really helped to calm me.

I'm feeling a connection with the still, small place inside
and it is a blessing indeed.

.            *            .

Cultivating Enough Photo Challenge

My friend Kira has created a "Cultivating Enough" photo challenge 
for the month of February and I'm looking forward to it.  

Join me?

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