A very dear friend suggested this book to me awhile back, saying she thought I might enjoy
it. Excited to give it a go, I checked it out from the library. To my disappointment, I found
that I wasn't connecting with it so rather than force something, I returned it.
Right before Advent, an opportunity presented itself to try 'er again. I bought the book this
time and I'm so glad I did!! Turns out my friend was spot on after all. (As she so wisely said, sometimes the timing isn't quite right.)
Smiling because I haven't made my way all the way through it yet. With reluctance I had
to put it down again in December and, as I did, I knew that I had found my word for this
year, Grounded, and promised I'd be back.
I've recently had the pleasure of picking it up again and am falling in love with the first
few chapters all over again.
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