So, today there's a story to go along with my picture(s).
This Christmas card has been in the front of my bible
since the year we received it.
Like most,
I tended to focus on the Holy Family at Christmas time.
(Which isn't a bad thing, right?)
But I'd never really thought about
intentionally asking
the wise men to join me
and my always-seeking heart
during this time of year.
That is, until I read the inside of this one.
(It's from my sister.)
Surely, the wise men (and women) are patron saints
of those who search.
I take great comfort in that.
They didn't know exactly where they were going.
It probably wasn't the straightest
or easiest of journeys.
And yet,
they knew they had to go.
And follow their hearts.
And our great and gentle God
sent a star to guide their every step.
Even when they weren't sure.
(I'm mighty partial to stars, ya know.)
Just as she does with us today.
Smiling very fondly now because my
precious Moma
died on January 6, 1997,
Our aunt, Moma's sister,
said that the wise men were leading her to Jesus
as Moma happily danced along behind them.
The image still touches me to tears.
As an aside
(or is it?),
I was feeling kinda ready
to send out our Christmas cards
in the last little while.
I have so loved sending them out at Epiphany
(the word means a new, wondrous awareness)
the last two years,
that I think I'm going to stick with my new tradition instead.
Seems Epiphany is Moma's
Christmas gift
that she continues to give to us.
I love you, Moma!
. * .