Wednesday, April 30, 2014

30 posts in 30 days - I did it! Again!!

Was it perfect, as in one post every single day?


Did I publish 30 posts in 30 days?


So does that count as Enough?

Why, you bet your beautifully imperfect self it does!

Yay, for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And thank you for popping over to see what I've been up to this past month.


.          *          .

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for

1.  Smiling at this sweet little bunny piece that I painted long ago
2.  A warm heart-to-heart with a wise friend
3.  Remembering I have tools and can bring them with me anywhere
4.  A morning to rest and be
5.  The company of a lit candle
6.  Snuggled up at home on a chilly morning
7.  Found treasure of an Easter "Ideals" magazine tucked away in quiet spot I'd retreated to
8.  A productive, focused day ~ something that helps re-set me
9.  An unexpected angel card with a kind thank you tucked inside
10. Happy grins brought on by the sound of the mail truck

.          *          .

Monday, April 28, 2014

I Want to Write . . .

I want to write
and speak the truth
winnowing chaff
harvesting fruit

I need to write
clearing cobwebs
noticing patterns
following threads

I yearn to write
creating space
letting things go
basking in Grace

I desire to write
telling my heart's stories
blest healing comes from
sharing struggles and glories

.          *           .

Today's poem was written in response to the poetry prompt "I want to write" by Liz Lamoreux in our Hand to Heart circle.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Feeling the Love ... Now

This morning I was having a difficult time.
Some old feelings were triggered
in a place where I don't always feel safe.

So I did what I'm learning to do
to take very good care of myself.
I took some time apart,
I closed my eyes,
and placed my hand over my heart,
gently reminding myself

I am not alone in this.

I am not alone in this.

I am not alone in this.

And I allowed myself the gift of my tears.

This afternoon I took a much needed nap
and talked to a dear friend
who can hear me
and love me.

And after more tears
I am feeling it again...

I am not alone.

I'm so grateful.

.            *             .

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Calm Map

I'm so enjoying Brene Brown's e-course on her book, The Gifts of Imperfection.  Last week we studied my very favorite guidepost:  #8 - Cultivating Calm and Stillness, Letting Go of Anxiety as a Lifestyle and one of our assignments was to create a Calm Map.

We put a "legend" on the bottom, a visual reminder of what helps us to maintain calm.  On our actual map, we listed our personal steps to help us find our way back to calm when (not "if"!) we loose it.

Beginning with the bottom of the sailboat and going clockwise, mine are:

~ Breathe
~ Notice, Soften, Allow, Love
~ Breathe
~ Ask questions
   ~ Will freaking out help?
~ Hold on loose!
~ Breathe
~ Put my hand on my heart
   ~ I am not alone in this
~ Repeat
~ Forget!
~ Remember
~ Begin again
~ Breathe

I'm so pleased with the way this turned out.  The sailboat is a napkin that I've had in the front of my journal for a couple months now.  I was delighted to pick it up one night as I was fixing myself a cup of chamomile tea while at our book group.

.         *          .

I am Perfectly Enough

Isn't she beautiful?!

A very dear friend and
cherished big-sister-of-my-heart
writes about how this lovely 
"climbed out of her pen"

Smiling because 
she's just too wonderful 
not to share, 
don't you think?

(If you do pass her along, 
please help me to 
honor Cate's request by linking
back to her post, ok?
Thank you!)

.           *             .

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Throw Back Thursday

Me on my 4th birthday.

I just love this picture of me.
It reflects an innocence 
and a playfulness 
that was lost
way too soon.

But looking at this photo
gently reminds me
ah, yes, there was a time. . . 

Which blesses, 


.          *          .

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Time with this little dear on Easter Sunday
2.  Refreshing rain
3.  Slept in 'til 11:15 a.m. this morning
4.  Room on Tuesday mornings to do just that
5.  Lovely chat with a precious sister on her birthday yesterday
6.  Online friendships that are slowly blossoming
7.  After work snack of orange juice and a slice of mozzarella
8.  Blessed time just to be
9.  and breathe
10. Beginnings of a new poem.

.          *          .

Monday, April 21, 2014

Simple Joy of a Beautiful Dress

It's been a family tradition in my family for as long as I can remember.

Well, actually?  Daddy tells me the tradition started in his family when he was a child.

Every year, we would get a new outfit for Easter.  Smiling fondly because Moma often made us 5 girls matching dresses for both Easter and Christmas.

I've continued the tradition and, I think more than I realized, I've felt disappointed because it's been a few years since I've been happy with my Easter dress.  

Grinning because I really, *really* like this year's!  

It fits me really well.  (Hard to tell with my sweater, I know, but it was a bit chilly!)  And I *love* the color, too!  As the kind saleslady said to me that day, "this dress is *yours*!"

Isn't it wonderful the simple joy a beautiful dress can bring?

Well, lookie here, I'm still grinning!

.          *          .

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Easter Blessings

Wishing you a blessed Easter with moments of tender joy and delightful wonder tucked in. 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Poetry and Small Stones

Poetry isn't something I was ever really drawn to... nor was I really very sure I understood it.  Grinning because I'm still not sure I understand it....

For many years now I've been invited to practice Lectio Divina with care-filledly selected poems by a woman I trust who leads our book groups here.  I've been pleasantly surprised and deeply touched by looking for a word or phrase that "shimmers" for me and following it's trail for a little while. (How is this word or phrase speaking to me and my life right now?)

Sometimes I really like playing with writing by removing all of the small words that, turns out, aren't so necessary after all (and, but, if, etc). For me, it's a practice in taking my thoughts and feelings down to the barest minimum ~ which can lead to greater clarity. 

And because I'm intentionally using less words, the ones I do use are selected with great care and intention. For me, there's something really sacred about this creative process.

*And* it's poetry!

I learned about writing small stones, a practice developed by a very dear and gentle Buddhist couple, Satya and Kaspa. Writing small stones has helped me to practice what I think poetry is really all about ... noticing and then writing it down.

.          *          .

Friday, April 18, 2014

Hot Crossed Buns and Memories

Following a family tradition passed down from the beloved women in my family, I baked Hot Crossed Buns today (Good Friday). Smiling softly remembering how they were always served at Easter dinner because that's when we were all gathered around Grandma's warm and welcoming table.

The lit candle is a another long-held tradition shared by a dear family friend who passed away many years ago. It's company is intended to remind me to gently hold those I care about in my thoughts and prayers as I work. Smiling softly again because I also like to remember my friend and the other women who are especially precious to me, gathering them and their love around me once again, too.

.          *          .

Thursday, April 17, 2014

I Want to Heal with Calm

I read this and sighed a big, contented 
and deep

~ yes ~

This week we are studying my very favorite guidepost
in Brene Brown's book, The Gifts of Imperfection

Cultivating Calm and Stillness 
Letting Go of Anxiety as a Lifestyle.


.          *          .

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

Today has been a difficult day for me ~
lots of feelings are arising.

I want to be present to them 
and to me 
as best I can. 

I am thankful for:

1.  This sweet little coaster, bought before I knew that Hope would be my word for this year.
2.  The interest of a kind friend and quietly reconnecting.
3.  A large billing project at work that I could focus on and enjoy.
4.  Capturing the truth in a photo.
5.  Listening to Maya Angelou read her book, "Letter to My Daughter" to and from work.  I feel strengthened and nourished both by her voice and her stories
6.  The safety of my home and the comfort of sitting in my old, brown rocker recliner.
7.  The soothing sounds of hubby snores coming from the bedroom.
8.  Being surrounded by gentle angels, reminding me I'm not alone.
9.  Being able to listen to Brene Brown's first live Q&A in an hour.
10. Safe spaces to be truthful.

.           *          .

Monday, April 14, 2014

Life is like a camera . . . .

Saw this on Facebook 
and am very grateful for it's 
wise advice.

I think I shall keep it close 
as our office moves from
tax season to billing season 
as we prepare for our visit
to see my family next month.

.          *          .

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Angel Sunday ~ One Day at a Time

I pulled this little dear out recently so she could gently remind me to take things one day at a time.  She's been with me a long while, dating back to when I was going to Al-Anon on a regular basis.

After my Moma died 17 years ago, I no longer wanted my relationship with her to be defined by her alcoholism so I stopped attending meetings.  Well, that, and the program just didn't fit well for me anymore and I knew I needed a fresh perspective.

I truly do understand and appreciate why they need a "singularity of purpose," focusing only on their literature and principles.  Having too many sources, sometimes very conflicting ones, would simply cloud and confuse things for members, especially newcomers, who often so desperately need those safe spaces and unwavering guidelines.

I remain grateful for my time in those rooms, my very dear sponsors, and for all I learned there which I still carry with me.

In time, what I found to be true for me is that I needed more and the freedom to explore the many other wonderful avenues where Grace and my heart were leading me.  Smiling softly because it felt really right for me to follow my heart seven years ago by leaving (the) home (of Al-Anon) at 18 years  "old" (of being a member), something I never really did (yet) with my childhood home.

And, now, as we are planning a visit to see my family in Texas next month and the feelings and anxiety are beginning to arise?  This sweet angel's company and wise reminder are most welcome company.

She is quietly reminding me to practice Grace, Mercy, Enough, and Hope.

.           *           .

Saturday Afternoon in our Yard

Took a photo walk in our yard yesterday and had a lovely time...

Azaleas always speak to me of 
Springtime and Easter

as do Dogwoods

just waiting for a wish and a blow

Another azalea lovely

All of these trees cradle our backyard

so love the dappled afternoon sunshine

wild violets surrounding an old grandmother oak tree 
(sadly, we had to have most of her cut down 
when we realized she was dying)

the view of our backyard from our breezeway.

Thanks for tagging along!

.        *        .

An Early Visit from the Easter Bunny

Smiling because Hope is my word for this year 
and I've just loved this cheerful little mug 
ever since I first saw it.

Once I discovered it, it didn't take me long to realize that it had been discontinued and wasn't widely available for purchase.  With a little persistent searching tho, I was able to find it in one online store so I signed up for their newsletter and waited for a discount coupon code.  When one arrived a couple weeks ago I placed my order, considering the mug an early gift from the Easter Bunny.

As I sit with it, I do love the cheerful stripes, happy flowers, and the word "Hope" on it.  But, as I suspected I might, I'm struggling a little bit with the verse.  Partly because I've come to fondly call my Higher Power "Grace" and I cherish Her soft, gentle side.  The verse feels a bit off-putting (and arrogant) to me.

Perhaps in time things will shift for me.  Or perhaps they won't and I will choose not to drink from it any more...  we'll just have to see, won't we?  

I see this as an opportunity to practice....

~ Hope that, given time and space, I can (and will!) listen well

~ Enough by valuing what I sense, see, and know to be true for me  

~ Mercy by being gentle with myself as I work thru this  

~ Grace by embracing the process, myself, and maybe even my beautiful new mug.

Smiling softly because I so treasure how all of my words-for-the-year can and do still encircle me with their wisdom, continually guiding and blessing me.

.        *        .

Thursday, April 10, 2014

A Moment of Joy

This morning I took a moment 
to bask in the sunshine
and quietly celebrate joy.

.        *        .

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Being Photographed

Hubby's small church is putting together a new pictorial directory and a member, known for her photography skills, is taking all of the photos.  We had our pictures taken on Sunday and it was a really odd, painful experience for me.

I started our very short session by telling her that I wear my glasses a little low on my nose because any closer makes me feel claustrophobic.  My hope in sharing this important piece of personal information, just as I've learned to do when photographing myself, was that it would help her to be aware and to take it into account, making for a better picture.  What happened instead was she got an odd, worried(?) look on her face and asked did I want to leave them on?  I said yes, which brings a soft smile because they've come to feel like a part of me, something that for a while there I just wasn't sure was going to happen.

The truth is, I was already feeling a little off having just sat thru Sunday school with hubby.  I was reminded, once again, of the reality of how I just don't resonate with the people there.  While we've been around for 26 years, they still aren't my community or my tribe.  They probably never will be and is why I don't attend regularly.

It really is true that what we are thinking and feeling is reflected on our faces.  I've learned that taking a deep breath and thinking calm, joyful thoughts really does help make for more calm, joyful pictures.  While I'm sure it's probably true for pretty much everyone, I just don't think I appreciated how *true* it is for me, especially in the last year of actively practicing taking selfies.

And that's not to say that it isn't ok to take photos of times when I'm less than calm and joyful.  Smiling softly because I have lots of those, too.  But this one is for a church directory.... and because I'm not a real regular there and hubby is, this *will* be a lot of folks first introduction to me.

As she was snapping pictures, I was trying to relax by taking my time to take some deep breaths but she kept rapid fire clicking.  I noticed she often caught me either mid-breath or while I was breathing in ~ I look my most relaxed right after breathing out.  Then she'd check the ones she'd just taken with a magnifying glass and when they weren't right, she'd start clicking quickly again.  When I'd start to try to talk, to ask for some room to breathe, I felt shut down ~ maybe she felt rushed, maybe I did....

Seems the faster she went, the sadder and more disappointed I felt, which increased the internal pressure I was already feeling that I wanted us to be sure to have a good picture.

What's interesting is my sister-in-law has called us photogenic several times.  I believe it's because we aren't afraid of the camera and we both willingly stand still and smile.  I do know the church lady to be a kind woman and she did say that while she thought she'd got a good one or two,  if we weren't happy, she would be glad to schedule another session until we got it right.

I knew we could go back after the church service and try again, but I was still feeling so weirded out and off that I was grateful we didn't.   Seems the best way to proceed that day was to let it go and breathe.

I've read that when someone else takes our picture, we don't feel as in control.  I don't know that I'd really experienced that (again) until this woman was trying to take our picture and I realized how truly painful it can be.

.        *        .

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Refreshing lunch of cottage cheese, chilled mandarin oranges and graham crackers
2.  Cheerful birdsong in the sparkling sunshine.
3.  Yesterday's rain washing the fine dust of lime green pollen (on everything!) away
4.  Wind chimes softly playing in the breeze
5.  Reading Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood and being blessed with new insights,
     mercy, too
6.  This place to quietly spill truths
7.  Smiling azaleas starting to awaken ~ everywhere
8.  A morning to rest, and be, and write
9. Sharing in a blog-along and all of the kind visitors and comments it brings
10. Being able to visit new blogs, too

.        *        .

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Angel Sunday ~ Spring Angel

I have a lovely collection of angels and back when I started this blog, for awhile there, Sundays were christened "Angel Days."   I really enjoyed sharing one of my lovelies and her story each week so thought I'd go back to it.

Today's angel is one I pull out every spring and hang her right here behind my old, comfy brown rocker recliner.  I cross-stitched her back in April of 1999 so that means she's been watching over us for 15 springs now.  Smiling because I really like the sounds of that!

.        *        .

My Self Portrait ... in Crayon :)

I'm taking Brene Brown's part 2 e-course on her book, The Gifts of Imperfection.  

One of our assignments this first week was to turn to the back of our art journals and draw our self portrait in crayon.  She said it's meant to be our "author's page" and her enthusiasm was palpable.  Even so, at first I was really dreading it and I didn't care much for my hair in the beginning.  My hair is brown so I used my brown and sepia crayons.  It wasn't until I got out my black one and filled in my curly hair that it started to feel like me.  

Turns out her joy about this assignment was infectious.  I'm so tickled the way mine turned out!

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Finding Everyday Beauty ~ A Self-Care Move

In our Hand to Heart group our self-care practice this month is looking for everyday beauty.  Liz's photo prompt suggestion for us on Friday was "a self-care move."

After a really long (and rough) week at work, I called in to say I'd be a little later than usual because I needed to take care of something. That something was (((me))) and I went to favorite clothing store in search of an Easter dress.  In this photo, I'm at home after work trying on my new dress.

Smiling a little mischievously because it doesn't feel right to show the entire dress until Easter Sunday.  So if you'd like to see more, stay tuned!  :)

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Thursday, April 3, 2014


Sweet dogwood beauty
tenderly consecrating,
dancing in the spring.

.       *       .

Our dogwood trees are starting to bloom! 

What better sign of Hope 
than flowers in the spring?


.         *         .

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Soft, warm plum blanket.
2.  Re-reading a wise book at just the right time.
3.  Beginnings of a beautiful spring day.
4.  Turning the calendar page, fresh start.
5.  Spilling truths (and hurts) into my journal.
6.  A new 30 blog posts in 30 days challenge over at Effy Wild's.
7.  Some quiet space to be...
8.  ... and being sung to by the birdies.
9.  Warm conversation with a dear friend last night.
10. Dear, dedicated and devoted hubby.

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