Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Happy # 26!

Twenty-six years ago today I married my darlin' Tadd. Smilng because I'd do it again in a *heartbeat*! I am so very grateful for and deeply blessed by his presence in my life.

Still strolling down memory lane over here...

Our plan all along was to marry on June 18 (and not 3 days after my birthday).


Early that spring, some serious health issues with my leg were discovered and we knew a couple of major surgeries were on the horizon. In my heart of hearts, I really wanted and longed to be married to my Taddbert *before* walking thru all of that and my precious hubby graciously agreed (he was already in it with me "in sickness and in health.").

So, with not much more than a month's notice (if that?), we moved up our wedding to May 21, 1988. We had a lovely, very happy day surrounded by family and friends. Grinning because maybe you can see that in the photo above? It was taken by a dear family friend and I love both the joy and relief he was able to capture on our newlywed faces.

Three weeks after we were married, I was checked into the hospital. What we hoped would "simply" be a two-step "do-over" of the last surgery I'd had several years back (and was failing) turned into *many* surgeries due to a *huge* infection, 3 months in the hospital and, because most of my femur has now been removed, sealed the deal on my crutches being permanent. Having Tadd by my side through the whole ordeal was the very best medicine for my weary heart and body, hands down.

Of course, like all marriages, we certainly have our ups and downs. While I don't remember the wise, elderly man's name or face, I do remember him sitting by my hospital bed while we were in the midst of that horribly trying time and telling us that events like that early on in a marriage can strengthen the bond. And, gratefully, as I so hoped it might, that journey did strengthen ours. I'd like to quietly add that I am also deeply aware that things like that can also test a relationship past it's breaking point. Knowing this in my bones helps me to appreciate our union even more.

In honor of our 25th anniversary, the photo below was taken by my first baby sister last June at my second baby sister's wedding.

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Sunday, May 18, 2014

Today is My 52nd Birthday!

(Me, 50 years ago, on my second birthday.)

I love this photo so much and am very grateful that I have it.  So very thankful, too, for a grandmother who strongly believed in taking photographs, a belief and a love that she passed on to her family.  

So many fondnesses are tucked up in the details.  I'm standing at my beloved Grandma's table in her kitchen, which later became our kitchen when she and Grandpa retired and moved from the farm we shared into a new house in town.  I remember the hutch behind me in their new home and it reminds me of her drawer full of aprons and time spent together in her warm kitchen as she patiently taught me to bake.  Smiling affectionately because the first thing she taught me to make was banana bread and, to this day, I still use her recipe.  Smiling softly now because the two brown wooden chairs in the foreground came to live with us after Grandma and Grandpa died, 4 months apart, in 1976.  

While I so wish I could tell what is in each of the dishes, I do spy a bowl of sweet pickles and a bowl of black olives which, along with the white tablecloth and fresh cut flowers, signifies this was a special occasion in the eyes of the hostess.  I'm thinking I might see a bowl of potato salad, one of my favorites to this day, and a dish I'm told I once broke my arm over when, as a little one, I was trying to get to a bowl of it on another kitchen table on a different day.  

From the number of chairs, I know Grandma, Grandpa, Moma and Daddy were all there.  I also wonder if maybe my other Grandma and Grandpa, along with my youngest Aunt and Uncle weren't there, too?  I'm sure my baby brother was probably either in a high chair or taking a nap.

I remember Grandma's amber "moon and stars" salt and pepper shakers which were always on her table for every meal shared in her home, whether the one on our farm or her house in town.  I love that there's already iced tea poured in the glasses, telling me that all is ready and that everyone else, with their hands washed, of course!, are gathered ~ just out of view of the camera lens ~ and circled around me, the wee guest of honor.  Smiling now as I'm sure several of the onlookers joined Grandma in telling me "smile, Debbie Jo!" as I stood there waiting (and probably wondering what all of this fuss was about).  

I know it's my second birthday, because our family tradition is a "doll cake" for each daughter's birthday #2.  In case you can't quite make her out, there's a small doll standing in the middle of the cake and the actual cake part is decorated around her to look like her beautiful party dress made out of pink and white frosting.  I also see a ring of cupcakes surrounding my birthday cake so now I'm wondering if there might be more guests than are able to be seated at this festive table.  Perhaps a children's table is set up somewhere else?

When I look at this picture, I smile softly and can feel the love in each detail.  As I take a moment to put my hand over my heart and close my eyes this rainy morning, I am smiling softly as I gather in all of the love tucked in this photo and encircle myself with it

. . . again.

(Me, a few days ago ... and the it brings me great comfort to think of the light shining on me as not only Mama Grace and Auntie Mercy, but also the women and men who have loved me and continue to from where they are now, across the veil.)

.          *          .

Saturday, May 17, 2014


See my beautiful new cross?

It's an early birthday gift 
and couldn't be more perfect.

.          *          .

Friday, May 16, 2014

Dancing Shadows and Light

Another beautiful
dappled morning.

(and really like this photo!)

.           *           .

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Dappled Morning Sunshine

I so love Spring (and Fall) when the 
sunshine is gently dappled.

Such a blessing to take a moment

to breathe
and to be

before going on with my day.


.          *          .

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Standing Among My Roses

This special rosebush lives beside our mailbox and was a birthday present from my in-laws several years back.  When we first planted it the buds were yellow and, as the flowers unfolded, they would be yellow with barely-tinged red edges.  Now, as you can see, the flowers come in all red.

My father-in-law, who's thumb is *much* greener than my black one, says it's our soil content that encouraged our rosebush to become red.  He tells me the same thing happens with other plants and trees, too, like Japanese Maples.  The actual color of their flowers and leaves is determined by the soil they make their home in. 

(hmmm... I believe there might be an interesting writing prompt in there somewhere...)

Smiling because I really like that my bush has metamorphosed this way.  "She" reminds me of my dear Grandma who cherished her red roses and often brought in a few flowers, putting them in water, so we (and she) could enjoy them on the inside, too.

Whenever I'm really missing my Grandma (usually around this time of year in May when roses bloom), I intentionally seek out rose-scented things - lotion, candles - to surround myself with trusting she's in there/here, too.  And, she adds with a soft smile, I've also been known to buy myself roses for my birthday in honor of my Grandma, my Moma and me.  

I'm really drawn to the idea that roses are associated with Mary, the mother of Jesus, too.  I feel a deep closeness with her and am so grateful for her being my first introduction to a feminine face of God.  Something I've desperately needed in my faith journey.  But then, she says with a warm twinkle, you already knew that about me, didn't you?

.          *          .

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  An unexpected opportunity to see our littles
2.  Our nephew asking if he could ride with us to an impromptu supper
3.  Gloriously perfect weather the last several days
4.  Being able to get outside in it and breathe
5.  Calm arising from a tidy home
6.  Quiet morning to piddle and be
7.  Room to lay back down
8.  Listening better and finding more room by following nudges
9.  A dear niece who's birthday is today
10. Morning birdsong greetings

.          *           .

Thursday, May 1, 2014

A Beautiful May Day Morning

It was a beautiful Spring morning
this May Day.

So I paused, 
took a breath 
(or two), 

and took a couple of photos.

(Love the wildness in this one.)

Happy May Day!

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