Friday, July 31, 2015

Baking Goodies

Cooling a yummy batch of "Chips Galore" cookies. 
It's one of our all-time faves.

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Thursday, July 30, 2015

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Meditation Milestone

Reached a fun milestone today on the app I use for meditation. 

1000 days!  

Yay me!!

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Billing Angels

A dear co-worker's mom is dying and she's had to sell her mother's condo. Knowing I love angels, 
my friend asked if I'd like to have these 2 guardians. I answered "yes" in a heartbeat, adding with a twinkle that we needed some Billing Angels around here. 

So now they quietly watch over (and bless) all that goes on in my office, including me, the 
Billing Queen. 

(And it touches my heart so 
knowing that my friend can come visit 
her mama's angels anytime she likes). 

.              *            .

Monday, July 27, 2015

Good Morning!

Little bear coaxing Monday Morning smiles.

Sure worked in my car!!

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Friday, July 24, 2015

I Joyfully Gather . . . Angels!

I Joyfully Gather . . . Angels! 

I take deep comfort in being surrounded by them and am grinning because this is only a small section of my personal "choir."

While all my little dears have stories, I'll point out one in particular... See the beautiful angel wearing the long, off-white muslin dress with lace at the bottom and Spanish moss for hair? (She's in the center of the 4th column).

I can see her from her home right here in my chair and, for years, she has quietly served as a gentle reminder that my Moma is watching over me, leaning towards me at times!, from her perch in Heaven. This brings me deep comfort (hmmm... as tears prick) because, finally!, I believe she is able to love me in a way that we both always wanted and needed her too, but that, for whatever reasons, she simply wasn't able to when she walked this beautiful earth.

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What Went Well - June and July 2015

My response to a friend's prompt
to gather photos of moments of 
What Went Well.

Clockwise from top left:

1.  When this little cutie was looking up and back at me from her pint-sized supper chair, it was such a delight (for both of us!) to get on the floor and scooch over next to her.  We had the best time playing, teasing and laughing.
2.  Taking the scenic route on purpose
3.  Remembering, honoring, and writing about when I was small.
4.  Continuing to softly read John O'Donahue's Blessing for a New Home to myself every day at work 
5.  Getting up to watch the glorious sunrises during our trip to St. Augustine, which felt like "church."   I was over the moon at this selfie
6.  A shadow shot with the unexpected gift of a natural heart over my own
7.  Quiet ritual to release my sister in kindness to Mama Ocean
8.  Sharing daily mass with elderly, dear-hearted souls
9.  Continuing to intentionally practice Pilgrimaging to Peace

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Darlin' Debbie Jo

In our family albums there are pictures with this photo of 2-year old me smiling from the background on a bookshelf in our home. My beloved grandmother's albums held pictures of another copy of this same photo of me smiling from the background of their home, both the farmhouse next to our trailer house when I was a wee one and then the small house in town when they moved because Grandpa (semi <wink>)-retired from farming.

Smiling softly because I remember seeing the one on my Grandma's table and can still recall the warm sense of how I felt I *belonged* to her because she kept my picture out. And we had a good bit in common, she and I... our eye for detail, plus she is the one who taught me to bake and crochet, and instilled my love of letter-writing.  :)

Both she and my dear Grandpa died 4 months apart (another story for another day) 39 years ago and I'm so grateful that their copy of this photo now lives here with me.

.            *             .

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

A Day in My Life

Clockwise from top left:

1. A selfie at home before leaving for work
2. Pulling into work and taking a moment to sit with my "Seek Peace" bracelet
         before going in
3. Moon and Stars Salt & Pepper Shakers that were my beloved Grandmother's.
         I remember them always being on her kitchen table.
4. Intentionally spending time "Pilgrimaging to Peace" this morning by sitting with
         2 candles, a special angel, and a couple of favorite songs
5. Meditating this afternoon
6. Warming up supper
7. Looking out our front window as hubby left this morning

.            *            .

Friday, July 3, 2015

Thy Word is a Lamp

Hubby and I went for a lovely breakfast 
at Cracker Barrel this morning.

I was enamored with this lamp
and so while waiting for my pecan pancakes,
I took this photo so I could remember.

I love the idea of looking for the light
as I Pilgrimage to Peace.

.            *            .

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Pilgrimaging to Peace

Peace is my word for this year
and what better "place" to pilgrimage to?

During a conversation with some friends a few weeks ago, I realized how much I miss sitting with a lit candle. The companionship of a gently flickering flame really does help to center, ground and quiet my mind and body, filling and reminding me of what is most important to me. 

The table here next to me has been so covered over with books, remotes, mail, etc... that I haven't had the space to safely light a candle. I knew then that I needed to clear and reclaim this space for me and my Beautiful Soul. 

On my very next errand day I bought this tall, lovely blue candle and decided she would be my companion for July. When I read our proposed practice for this month in Hand to Heart is "One Song a Day," a warm smile spread wide. I'm really liking the idea of adding a song and/or sitting with "her" for at least one song (maybe 2) each day. 

This nourishes me and this I can do.

So grateful for how we are encouraged to find our own way . . . 


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