Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Happy 50th Birthday

Today is my darlin' Tadd's 50th Birthday!

Wishing you the happiest, most blessed day ever 
and many, many more wonderful years to come, honey!

.           *          .

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Friday, September 19, 2014

Sunset Cruise

We had taken a sunset cruise on this schooner sailboat
during our first trip here to St. Augustine, 10 years ago.
We'd always wanted to do it again
and did so last night.

We were blessed with perfect weather 
and a gorgeous sunset. 

(When the crew are taking photos, 
you *know* it's a good one!)

.            *           . 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

What is Home?

I have the pleasure of being in the Love Notes Post Card Project September round and this week's prompt is "Home is...." 

As I sat waiting in my doctor's office earlier this week, I began toying with the idea of writing a poem where the last word of each line rhymed with home. I'm so tickled because I was able to do it!

What is Home?

Warm welcome shown
After long, weary roam
Home is being seen and known

Sheltering dome
Nourishing zone
Home is gently healing loam

When doubts start to drone
Permission to moan
Home is long, truth-telling groans

Love practiced and honed
Faith freely loaned
Home is hearts tended and sewn

Gathering of crones
who know in their bones
Home is the balm of Shalom

.              *              .

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Wanted to take an intentional moment 
to celebrate and remember. 

My annual physical was today 
and it is such a blessing 
that these days? 

It's just routine. 

(Hasn't always been that way)

.                 *                 .

Monday, September 8, 2014

New Things ... Created Just Now

If it makes, which I'm so hoping it will!, our book group will be reading The Artist's Rule by Christine Valters Paintner this fall.  The book intrigued me so much that, even tho we don't begin until next week, I started reading it not long after it arrived.  This evening, as suggested in her first chapter:  Week 1:  Establishing a Creative, Contemplative Practice, I practiced Lectio Divina with this passage:

Now I am revealing new things to you
Things hidden and unknown to you
Created just now, this very moment.
Of these things you have heard nothing until now.
So that you cannot say, Oh yes, I knew this.
~ Isaiah 48:6-7

The phrases that shimmered for me were:

"I am revealing new things to you ... created just now."  

As I sat with them, a deep sense of peaceful Hope started to settle in my bones.  Could it be that rather than my being behind and trying to catch up to "the plan,' Mama Grace is lovingly creating things for me as the need arises?  

Reflecting in my journal on this notion, I found that it feels soothing to think of Her quietly watching me and designing things as She senses a need.  So rather than knowing me so well, it's all planned out (and over and done with, no need for further attention), She's right here, actively, patiently with me, in this moment...

.... and this moment

.... and this moment.

Ah, now this?  

This feels much more like an intimate, caring relationship and one I want to be a part of, explore and grow.


.               *              .

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Crayon art delightfully reminding me of time with my girlies on Sunday.
2.  Silliness of little ones!  In the picture above, the girl at the top is baby sister with a bar over her so she won't fall out of bed.  The second girl is her and, at 3, she's a big girl who doesn't need a bar over her.  Next to her is, as requested, a bear with a shirt on.
3.  Deep satisfaction from both girls wanting to be and play with me.
4.  Making a point to celebrate a very dear 90-year-old's birthday.
5.  Side-stepping an odd melt-down with Grace.
6.  The bliss of quiet Tuesday mornings again.  (summer hours are now over)
7.  Surprising hubby by laying out his breakfast and lunch.
8.  Quietly standing in (and sharing) my gift of reading meaningfully aloud.
9.  Happy discovery that our new book group will fit very nicely in with where I'm at right now.
10.  Wonderful surprise of another promising bi-monthly fall gathering.
11.  Already sensing the freshness of new members in our mandala FB group.
12.  And loving that one of those voices is a friend.
13.  Spicy, autumn fall-themed oatmeal.
14.  Humming a new favorite, "Calm me, Lord," when I catch myself worrying. 
15.  Another piece of fridge art from Sunday's time with my girls.

.          *           .

Monday, September 1, 2014

Me and My Girl

(didn't know this was taken
until later that evening when 
her Momma shared it with me)

.            *           .