Thursday, December 31, 2015


Peace was my word for 2015. She was good company and an important teacher who, as with all of my prior words (Grace, Mercy, Enough, and Hope), I intend to keep close by for her special, individual way of support and guidance.

For a couple of months I had thought my word for 2016 might be "Rest." So much so that I started the process of looking for a mug with Rest on it and a Rest quote to add to my email signature quotes to serve as visual anchors.

In recent days, "Abide" has shown Herself to me.  I remembered this photo that I took back on August 3, 2013 and, as I was sharing it with a class I was in then, the word "abide" just showed up and seemed perfect. 

Earlier this week I circled up my 4 new beautiful sister angels (a Christmas gift from hubby) in a spot where I can see them from here in my blue rocking chair. I knew they would remind me of the picture I've always held in my heart of all of my word companions as wise women who stay with me and surround me, each one lovingly offering me her gifts of wisdom. 

My sweet little oil lamp in the middle feels like a gently profound reminder to place myself 

--- to Abide -- 

in their wise presence.  Sure, I can Rest there if/when I need too, but the bigger, more important question for me feels like *where* and in *what* am I resting? *Where* am I putting my Trust? 

*Where* am I choosing to Abide?

And sitting with and seeing my sweet altar of angels for the past several days? 

And listening to Amy Grant sing "Abide with me," a song I have come to love? 

And the tears began to fall?


That's when I knew.

Abide has gently taken my hand and asked me to dance, and we are waltzing into the new year together. 

.            *            .

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