Saturday, January 31, 2015

Princesses Birthday Party

We enjoyed seeing our girlies today!

Here's Mollie with one of her tutu dresses
(Uncle Tadd bought them both 2! :) )
She is opening her card and the "sprinkles" (confetti)
have fallen on her dress.

Kaiya is starting on the next present.

All the gifts have been opened so now 
they are checking out this cute little bag.
There was a small mirror tucked in 
which is what is shining on Kaiya's face.

Mollie Grace

Kaiya Joy

Our sweet girlies.

(So *love* how Mollie laughs with her whole body.)

.            *              .

Ready to Party

We're all set for our little princesses' birthday party in the morning!

Sweet dreams

.          *          .

Friday, January 30, 2015

Water Seeds Pull Weeds

I bought a 2015 calendar for work with angels on it that I really love.

So much so that I started wondering if
I could find a new mug for work by the same artist, 

Sure enough, I did!

I love that she's such a happy angel.
Plus the message is one meant to gently remind me 
to choose peace (my word for this year) over weeds.

She arrived on Wednesday evening and
I thought it might be nice to spend some time with her
here at home first. 
Kind of as a way to bless her
(and me).

This morning she and I did just that,
enjoying some quiet time here
before I went into work.

Smiling because she's still here with me so 
we'll probably do it again at least once
before I take her with me to work on Monday.  

Water Seeds Pull Weeds

.           *          .

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Quiet time this morning in the company of angels, candlelight, and a warm cup of chai tea in a special, peach-colored mug.  (It was one of Tadd's grandmother's and seeing it always brings a warm smile and fond thoughts of her.)

2.  Forgotten, comforting quote given to me by a dear, wise one resurfacing and how just reading it thru a couple of times steeps me in the same blessed assurance that it always used to:  
           "And remember, you do not walk alone. You are surrounded by a cloud
            of witnesses, family members and friends, some who have gone before
            you, all of whom have a stake in your partnership. Your happiness is
            important to them. They are your cheering section. Count on them to
            walk with you, and trust the One who has brought you across rivers of
            grief, through forests of gladness to your present pilgrimage."
                                             ~ wise source regretfully unknown

3.  Heartfelt, deeply affirming response from a dear friend.

4.  Leftovers in the fridge means I didn't have to figure out dinner tonight.

5.  New blossoming friendship that inspires me.

6.  More blessed quiet time this evening .... well, with the exception of soft hubby snores.

7.  Sending our sweet little one a picture of me smiling and holding up 4 fingers in honor of her 4th birthday yesterday and her mama reporting back that my girlie LOVED it.  

8.  Having enough money to pay our bills and for the little extras here and there, too.

9.  My "short day" at work falling on a day that I unexpectedly found myself feeling very tender and quite small.

10.  A lovely new, favorite quote:  

              "Tender," she said again.  "Tender is kind and gentle.  
                It's also sore like the skin around an injury."  
                                            ~ Breanna Yovanoff

11.  This touching video, entitled "With Scars Comes Strength."  I am deeply touched and inspired by her wisdom and her fresh insight on our scars.... "they (represent) something that hasn't killed me" and "every scar I'm completely proud of and have earned.  My body is like a visual journal."

12.  Knowing gratitude can help gently shift things and practicing it.

So, friend, what are you thankful for?

.          *          .

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Restful Peace

Just up from a Sunday afternoon nap. 

.          *          .

Thoughts About Peace

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; 
only light can do that. 
Hate cannot drive out hate; 
only love can do that." 
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

I've long held that if I can't practice peace in my own every day life and dealings with others, how on earth can I hope, much less expect, to find peace in our world?  Smiling softly as I deeply acknowledge that some days, months, and years (and situations) are better (and easier) than others.  The truth of this, in a down-to-earth, everyday sort of way, really came home for me when I was a member of a rich and vibrant online community with members from all over the world.

With my word for this year being Peace, I've been intentionally looking for role-models of practicers of non-violence.  As I seem to be leveling up in the video game of life, it helps so much to know there are others, while not easy for them either, who have been able to do it in much more difficult and challenging circumstances than my own.

I've been drawn to Martin Luther King, Jr this year in a way I just haven't been in the past.  When the student is ready the teacher appears?

I especially like knowing that he lived not far from where I do today.

.         *          .

Friday, January 23, 2015



This cheerful little heart sits on my desk at work.

(like today),
when I need a reminder that

all is well,

I hold her as I work. 
 She is good, reassuring company. 

.             *             .

Monday, January 19, 2015

Purple Heart Love

Our precious almost 4-year-old niece
made this necklace for me.

It was totally her idea
and she went to her mama
very early one morning wanting to do this.

She picked a purple heart because 
"I love Debbie and purple is my favorite."

The very next time we saw her 
was a week later
(forever in little girl time),
she remembered the necklace
and made sure she brought it to me.

It means so very, very much to me!

As does she.

.          *          .

Saturday, January 17, 2015


Up again in the wee hours last night. 

Grateful for this
Peace-filled scene
right next to me. 

Smiling because I received some battery operated candles for Christmas.  I'm enjoying them - especially the timers!  But, to my surprise, not quite as much as I thought I might. 
(Hubby knows me well)

There's something very soothing for me in the company of an actual flame. 

Especially at night.

.        *         .

Friday, January 16, 2015

Snowflake :: #cy365


This little snowflake lives on our fridge. 
It was made 'specially for us 
several years ago by our sweet niece. 

.          *          .

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wonderful Angel Surprise

My sweet friend in India 
saw this little lovely 
and felt she belonged with me.

My new angel
arrived today
and her timing was perfect.

(Feeling blessed and grateful)

.         *          .

Sunday, January 11, 2015

CY365 ~ White

This little sweetheart
was made by my sister-in-law's friend
and she is one of my
favorite Christmas gifts this year.

(Sister chooses *such* perfect gifts!)

.        *         .

Saturday, January 10, 2015

More Beloved Christmas Angels

I haven't been to this particular church at Christmastime in a long while.

It was such a *wonderful* surprise 
at mass last night
to see these beautiful angel banners were still up!

I had forgotten about them 
and was so *tickled* 
to remember how much I've always enjoyed them.

This lovely is one of my favorites.
She plays her trumpet
 from high on the pole right near where I sat
(on purpose so I wouldn't be far 
when she rained down her blessings).

.         *        .

Habit ~ CY365

Journaling has been such a life-saver
(and heart-soother)
for me over the decades.

I've gotten out of the habit
in the last little while
and it was so good
to spend some time writing
this afternoon.

.        *         .

Epiphany 2015

Found this lovely image to use for our Epiphany greetings this year.

Smiling because I had thought I might be ready
to send out our holiday letter about mid-December.


Besides not feeling well
and being *so* tired from work,
I have really enjoyed sending out 
an Epiphany letter instead. 
So I decided to wait.
(This will be my third year)

Moma died on Epiphany
and we all have fond memories 
of my aunt's daydream of Moma
skipping and dancing along 
behind the wise men.
(She was finally free)

So there's something special
and holy
 about connecting with her
in this particular way.

My beloved Grandma instilled a love of 
snail mail in me when I was a small child.
This connecting with loved ones
the rush and hurry
of the holiday preparations 
helps me connect intentionally
with her as well.

Plus I *adore* the idea 
of following a Star.

.         *         .

Friday, January 9, 2015


Love this quote.

.         *         .

Heart of Peace

Peace is my word for 2015.

To help support us
and get us off to a good start,
I've been reading
by The Arbinger Institute.

It's made a lot of sense to me
and this evening, 
I was weeping as I read.

Good, healing,
(and mercy-felt)

Still not sure how to maintain a 
Heart of Peace
(rather than a heart of war)

But that's ok.

I trust that, in time, 
and with patience, 
and prayer,
I *can* learn.

And it is Enough.

.          *          .

Monday, January 5, 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

What If . . .

What if . . . 
rather than it was just as it was meant to be
rather than my being "too big" one more time

What if . . .
no matter how much I ached
and longed
and hoped 
~ for more ~
(did she ache, and long, and hope, too?)

What if . . .
given her own history
she simply had no more to give

What if . . .
given my history 
it was hard to understand that,
once again,
it truly wasn't personal

What if . . .
it was all that it *could* be
just as it was

Can holiness, 
~ wholeness ~
be found
in the midst of 
human imperfection

What if . . .
in time,
the rough edges will smooth and soften
and a peace,
~ a blessed assurance, ~
will bathe,
and bind
and heal

Blessing both of our broken hearts.

~ May it be so ~

(and may she rest in peace)

Good-bye, sweet Faye.

I love you.

.         *          .