. * .
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Friday, July 29, 2016
July 29 :: Something Blue
Wednesday, July 27, 2016
July 27 :: Food
Have I mentioned lately that ice cream is my favorite food group? π
Plus! It's "Miracle Treat Day" at Dairy Queen
so $1.00 was donated to Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. π¦
. * .
Rough Start
Rough Start
(Feeling unconsidered once again)
(because I was)
Back at my desk and taking a moment
to gather all the love I've tucked around me.
. * .
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
July 26 :: Nature
The little stream that feeds into our neighborhood "lake"
(which is really more of a pond. π)
. * .
Monday, July 25, 2016
July 25 :: Random Photo
Long beloved pine heart table
and sweet little country potpourri basket
(a treasured wedding gift!)
backlit by warm, late afternoon light.
. * .
Sunday, July 24, 2016
July 24 :: Black and White
Our last morning here for my beloved Uncle's funeral.
(So, *so* grateful we came)
Black and White #2
A walking bridge over the Arkansas River
not far from the
Clinton Presidential Library
in Little Rock.
. * .
Saturday, July 23, 2016
We Three Kings
Last night we had the pleasure of dining with The Three Kings!
It still cracks me up to see how tickled my hubby is.
He's the King on the right.
. * .
My dearest Uncle Tom
Such a patient, wise, and kind-hearted man
who loved his family deeply.
I shall miss him so.
. * .
Friday, July 22, 2016
Heber Springs Bound
When my Uncle Tom died I had a real sense that I needed to be there for his funeral.
Not only is he very special to me,
I am so *hungry* for stories of our family
with my Moma dying almost 20 years ago,
I can no longer ask her.
I can ask her siblings.
So off we went.
A piece of our rental car's trim came loose so made an unexpected stop to get it fixed.
The Arkansas line snuck up on us and we missed it!
ran out in front of us and hubby wasn't able to miss it. So that piece of trim that came loose
on our rental car earlier and we stopped to have it fixed back in Birmingham? Well, it's
loose again.
But under her watchful eye, we made it safe and sound.
. * .
And the Deer (Angels) continue to show up.
our coverage to include our rental for this trip, the kind agent said that, as we'd been talking,
she'd been watching a sweet little fawn outside of their office window!
Then, our trip in had several glitches ... all more on the smallish side but had to be worked
Then, our trip in had several glitches ... all more on the smallish side but had to be worked
thru before we could continue on ... and we pulled into the hotel at 12:52 a.m. this morning
(1:52 a.m. our time). Not too long before we arrived here, a doe crossed the road in front of
As I sat resting in a hot bath this morning, a fond smile spread. What if all of the "glitches"
were timed so that this dear little one would be crossing the winding country road at just the
right time?
Indeed, it appears that all is well.
. * .
Wednesday, July 20, 2016
July 20 :: Smile
Cute-as-a-button little one
flew in from across the miles
carrying cheerful birthday greetings
from my sweet sister and her family.
Tickled to report that 10 years later
(plus 2 months π),
she's still gifting me with
big-as-the-prairie-sky smiles.
. * .
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
July 19 :: Mirror
Driving by this wooded area in our neighborhood feels like a breath of fresh air, especially
when coming home in the afternoon.
And a few weeks ago? A young doe crossed in front of me on my way to work just around
the bend in my mirror. In doing some googling, I was so tickled to discover that some believe
that "When deer are present, it is sure that there are angels nearby."
. * .
Sunday, July 17, 2016
National Ice Cream Day
Yay for National Ice Cream Day!!
Have I mentioned lately that ice cream
is my very favorite food group?
. * .
July 17 :: Outfit of the day
Above all else, clothe yourselves with love,
which ties everything together in unity.
Col 3:14
(When this prompt came up again,
I wanted to play with it a little bit <wink>)
. * .
Blessed Comfort of Daily Mass
There's something so special for me, and has been since I was a small girl, about daily
The pace is easier and the seats are usually filled with gray heads, creaking joints, kind
The pace is easier and the seats are usually filled with gray heads, creaking joints, kind
smiles, and big hearts that have seen and withstood many a trial. Some of the wrinkled
hands hold prayer books while others caress rosary beads, worn beautiful from being
fingered for decades. Knowing these dearly beloved elderly people gather daily to pray
on our behalf brings me deep, indescribable comfort.
Smiling softly as I've been a member of this parish long enough now to witness the
Smiling softly as I've been a member of this parish long enough now to witness the
changing of the guard, so to speak, as my parents' generation (and younger!) are now t
he majority in the seats. One day, which may be here sooner than I imagine, it will be
my turn.
Until then, it is such a joy for me to join them on a beautiful summer morning.
(It would be disrespectful to take a photo during mass so this was afterwards.)
Until then, it is such a joy for me to join them on a beautiful summer morning.
(It would be disrespectful to take a photo during mass so this was afterwards.)
. * .
I posted this a year ago on Facebook
and was surprised to see that I hadn't shared it here.
Remedying that right now.
. * .
Saturday, July 16, 2016
July 16 :: Morning
As the sun begins to rise,
the birds are starting to stir,
singing their greetings of Hope to one another
as they gather breakfast for their babies.
. * .
Friday, July 15, 2016
July 15 :: A Special Photo
I love this visual reminder that
angels are always watching over us,
no matter the place or time, day or night.
On Wednesday we lost Aunt Mary Cecelia on Daddy's side
(his eldest brother, Bob's, widow)
and this morning we lost Uncle Tom,
Moma's little brother.
Uncle Tom is the one I knew best
and who is the harder loss by far.
Smiling softly thru tears as I imagine the other circle of love
that has been gathered around all of us all along,
anxiously awaiting their turn to once again
give him giant bear hugs and welcome him home.
What a celebration that must be now that his pain and suffering are over...
reckon he's dancin' right about now?
Still . . .
Ohhhhhh, Uncle Tom. I do love you so
and I shall miss you!
Holding on to the Hope that, one day, we will all see you again.
May God bless us in our grief and hold us as we cry...
May they both rest in peace
and may the angels continue to watch over us
and hold us tenderly in their prayers.
. * .
Thursday, July 14, 2016
July 14 :: Outfit of the Day π
While I felt a little silly,
I didn't want to let my goddaughter down.
She's been a good sport with
lists of photo prompts that I've found
and I want to do the same for and with her.
Ah, more good practice, yes?
. * .
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
July 13 :: Photo at an Angle
Cherish Heart(s)
. * .
It was interesting to notice How. Much. I. Struggled. with this prompt! I had such a hard
time settling on something I was willing to let be at an angle.
The angel hanging from my rear-view mirror? No. She looks like she's flying crooked.
My mug? Nope. Looks like my water will all spill out.
The trees on my way home? Well, that's jus' wrong! π
And those are all photos I actually tried!! π
It's all grist for the mill.
Meaning it's good to be aware of my discomfort and, when I can, it never hurts to try
nudging myself a little bit outside my comfort zone.
And on the days when I just can't because I find order to be a soothing comfort that
I need?
Well, that really is ok, too.
Because you know what? There will always be another opportunity.
. * .
Waiting and Watching
I'm up and have been sitting with my candles, praying my prayer for Uncle Tom, and smiling
Placing my heart on my hand and closing my eyes, all while sending much love and fierce
softly remembering that this is Grandma Martin's birthday, all while trustin' that means she
is even closer than before (if that's possible), watching over her precious boy and waiting with
When I did get on the computer, I had a note from my aunt quietly letting me know that the
When I did get on the computer, I had a note from my aunt quietly letting me know that the
Hospice nurse has told Jacque, Uncle Tom's wife, that it's probably a matter of days now.
I was reminded in a book last night that it used to be that folks making pilgrimages to holy
places carried them so often that a scallop shell became their symbol. As I was setting up my
little tableau in honor of our dear Uncle Tom this morning, it seemed right to include one or
May this, his last pilgrimage be blessed and peaceful.
Placing my heart on my hand and closing my eyes, all while sending much love and fierce
hugs to him and those of us who love him.
(I had intended on saying "hand on my heart" but on further reflection, I love the tenderness
and deep ache in the image of leaning over and placing my heart on my open hands. Yes.
I think I'll leave it be just as it is.)
. * .
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
July 12 :: Sunglasses
The girls have their sunglasses on,
are buckled up tight, and headed to work.
It was a hot one this morning.
But as for Miss Rachel Bear and me?
We're cool as cucumbers.
π π
. * .
Monday, July 11, 2016
Blessing for Uncle Tom
I love John O'Donohue's Blessing for the Dying
so much and longed to say it to Uncle Tom myself.
If there is such a thing as an "open video"
(in lieu of an "open letter"),
that is what this gift is intended to be:
from here in our part of this big circle of love.
. * .
July 11 :: What I wish for . . .
. . . (and so long for) . . .
. . . is to be able to spend time
with my beautifully precious Moma.
We'd laugh,
we'd cry,
we'd talk,
we'd be,
we'd sing,
we'd dance,
we'd share many a huge hug.
. * .
Sunday, July 10, 2016
July 10 :: Colorful
This is my beautiful patchwork quilt made especially for me by my sister, Lisa.
With so many of our other family members, as a gift of her time and talent, she's expertly
guided each one in making a quilt of their very own. From helping them to select well-
coordinated fabrics, carefully cutting out all of the pieces, and then patiently sewing them
together, she's been there every step of the way, always the enthusiastic and encouraging
With us living so far away and our visits back always going so fast, she delighted me with
this wonderful surprise several years ago.
Knowing how much I miss our family and our shared history with the Texas prairie, she
intentionally chose farm-themed fabrics and stitched them together with love. I'm so very
proud of her sweet gift and enjoy seeing it hanging from its place of honor every single day
from right here in my chair.
And would you believe, she asks with a warm twinkle, that I'm still finding the smiles she
so thoughtfully pieced, pressed, and tucked inside?
I thought you might.
. * .
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Friday, July 8, 2016
Thursday, July 7, 2016
Godspeed, Dear Uncle Tom
My Uncle Tom is on my heart and in my thoughts and prayers this morning. Received
word that after a very long and arduous struggle with cancer he has been referred to
hospice care.
Smiling softly, trusting that his big sister (my Moma), along with so many others that he
loves and who love him are gathering at the pearly gates, ready to joyfully receive him and
show him around. (I take *such* deep comfort in the concept of the Communion of Saints, especially at times like these.)
Your love and prayers would be most welcome at this sad and very holy "thin place" in the
life of our family.
. * .
Wednesday, July 6, 2016
July 06 :: Favorite Color
Midnight Blue has long been a favorite color of mine. Whenever I look at my lotus flower
candle holder and all of the wonderful variations of this beautiful shade, it brings a contented
smile to find myself sighing deeply and peacefully.
Can color be medicine?
Yes. I think so.
Smiling because when I sent this to my goddaughter, she asked me why it was my favorite
color. I appreciated her invitation to explore more.
I love it for it's richness and depth which I find soothing, probably because it reminds me
of the vast prairie sky that I was raised under and still deeply love.
Well, that, and, she adds with a twinkly grin, the color is also one that looks really good on
me so that's nice too.
. * .
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Monday, July 4, 2016
July 04 :: 4th of July
Testing her wings under Papa's ever-watchful eye.
(I love this one so much)
Fun with Sparklers
π πΊπΈ ❤️ πΊπΈ π
. * .
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Saturday, July 2, 2016
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