Thursday, February 8, 2018

Daily Guidance - February 8

I drew the first 3 Soul Call cards (on the right) and they just weren't resonating with
with me so I drew the fourth.  Now it was starting to make sense, especially when I 
starting playing with them and read them in reverse order.  

Surrender the Wrestling and Walls both in a troubled relationship and with life in 
general, dear heart.

It was also lovely to see how they were now dovetailing with the two oracle cards
I drew today.

There is a Map leading to another way... more choices than you first realized.  You
can continue to choose to bless the space between you and another and, as best you
can in each moment, quietly, calmly let the struggle go. Follow the path that leads
to where you are fed... and loved. 

Our Lady of Creative Choice will help me to find a new choice, one that leads to
enthusiasm and Joy?


Blessed be.

.         *         .

Mornin', Mary!

.           *          .

St. Joseph, the Carpenter

Our nephew joined the army
and his first day of bootcamp was Monday.

As I sat in daily mass this morning, 
a most wonderful
(and deeply comforting)
thought came.

St. Joseph was a carpenter,
pretty close to a present day
"Horizontal Construction Engineer,"

I sure think so.


Trustin' that St. Joseph 
is watching over our boy
as we continue to hold him
in our thoughts and prayers.

St. Michael, the Archangel,
protect our troops.


.           *          .

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Today's Guidance - February 7

When Navigating by the Star,
I can trust that the 
Tender Mother,
Our Lady of New Vision,
Our Lady of Growth Assured
will be present
in the Vessel of my heart.

.             *             .

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Today's Guidance - February 6

When I answer the call,
I can trust that 
I will be supported
and comforted
with what I need.

When I intentionally 
spend time in my Egg,
my life will Flow
and that is the Jewel.

.          *          .

A Wonderful Surprise

Not long after her mother passed, a Facebook friend from across the sea reached
out to me. She said that, if I was willing, she’d like me to have some treasures that 
she had first given to her mom.

I was touched by her kind offer, especially when she told me that Chartres, where the 
items were purchased when they were visiting there together, is a church dedicated 
to Our Lady (Mary). I was deeply grateful and delighted to accept her generous Gift.

As an aside (or is it?), her daughter has been very, very sick so I had no idea when 
her package of care might arrive.

Well guess what?

It came today!! I knew to expect the labyrinth book and beautiful blue sun catcher. 
I did not expect to find Love, Peace, and Faith all tucked in as well, or the words on 
her card “unnumbered blessings give my spirit voice.” I’m so struck by the timing of 
their arrival, right a group call for an online class that I'm taking that focused on 
Love and Faith. Smiling softly because my secret wish for our earth before Freedom 
emerged was Peace.

Hmmmmm... she says playfully. 

My guardian angel stopping in
to give me the big hug I longed for?  

Yes, I believe so. 

Blessed be.

.            *            .

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Happy Birthday, Girlies!!

I do love them so!

Our favorite 7-year old.

Our favorite 5-year old.

Our sweet baby girl
right before she fell asleep in my arms.

Can you see her cute ponytail?
Or, according to hubby,

Little brother playing with his new cars
while birthday girl looks on.

A little while later, 
I thoroughly enjoyed 
getting on the floor
and playing with him.

Blessed be.

.           *           .

Blessing of My Throat

A close up of Mary today
on this, the feast day of St. Blaise.

I made a point to attend mass
this morning
because it felt important 
to have my voice blessed.

Father may not have known
what he was doing.

But I did.

Blessed be.

.            *           .

Friday, February 2, 2018

The Joy of Rediscovering a Favorite Quote

Love this quote so much.

It whispers healing to me,
one who has long struggled 
with feeling "too big."

But what if
there is no apology necessary
for taking up so much space?

Even more,
what if I am beautiful just as I am?

Well, wouldn't that be something?

Something indeed.

Blessed be.

.            *            .

Thursday, February 1, 2018

St. Brigid's Day Treat

Happy Imbolc, too!

I treated myself to these 
beeee-you-tiful coral roses. 

Smiling because I circled around them 
like 3 times 
and then decided 
it really was ok to go ahead 
and bring them home with me.

(I think they were calling out to me)

And ever since?

There have been oodles of smiles.

🏮 . 🕯 . 💚

Blessed be.

.          *         .

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Savouring January - Day 31 - Believe

Dogwood bud 
practicing her belief 
in the promise 
of springtime.

Blessed be.

.           *           .

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Savouring January - Day 30 - Soft

Snuggly slippers
Velvety blanket
Soft afternoon light
Constant companions
Heartwarming fire

Blessed be.

.          *          .

Monday, January 29, 2018

Savouring January - Day 29 - Kindness

Sister Moon gently shines 
her tender mercies 
on all in her path.

Blessed be.

.          *          .

To Bless the Space Between Us - Do you see it?

(Because I didn't ... at first.)

So yesterday morning I was taking a photo of the picture of this dear young girl, 
my gentle teacher quietly reminding me to "Bless the Space Between [my sister, 
who has stepped w-a-y back from our relationship, and me]" propped up against 
the lamp right here next to my chair. Other than moving my clear little flowerpot 
shaped votive holder (reminding me to Cultivate Joy, my word for this year), 
I didn't move a thing.
Cropping my morning photo down to a square, I saw it.

Mary *is* looking out from behind "me." I love that she's a little above me, too,
so she can see both thru my eyes and also beyond me (for me).... she can see 
farther out than what I can see. Ah, yes... *She* can offer love to my sister and 
bless the space between us on the days when I simply cannot because the reality 
is sometimes the years-long space between us hurts.

And behind her is the gentle reminder, "Let Yourself Be Held", a tender piece 
I have loved (and clung to) for a very long time.

So then I pulled an angel card by cutting my deck: Close. I'm smiling again... *yes!* 
Mary, Mama Grace, and all of my aunties are indeed Close to me, gently caring for 
me, "looking out" for me (<-- so loving the double meaning of this one!), and watching 
over me - even when I don't/can't see or realize it.

Before tucking my angel cards back into their box, I happened to notice that right 
under Close was Mirror. I smiled to myself as I put the lid on my box and put it up 
so I could move into getting ready for my day.

A few moments later as I was showering, I thought, "No. Mirror does belong, too!" 
My little altar vignette is intentionally mirroring for me how to be (send love to my 
sister as best I can each day) and also what is happening (all my mamas and aunties 
are helping me). Then it brought a warm smile to remember that in a class I'm taking,
we were invited to look in an actual mirror.

So I went back and found Mirror and pulled it out.  

And the card under Mirror? 


Yes! That fits, too! My faith, which I've learned to practice with some grains of salt, 
has been a firm foundation for me. Plus looking tenderly into my eyes with the help 
of a mirror and speaking gentle encouragements to myself is something I've done
for decades. All of this, for me, is about returning to the basics... the Root of it all


And under Root? 




Sweet soul, it really is ok to simply allow Love to see thru me, let myself be held 
and trust that I am beloved and blessed.

It really, *really* is ok to simply Receive. Alls I hafta do is open my heart, as best 
I can in each moment, Pause and Let Love In.

Oh, and the Mother Mary oracle card I drew? 

Our Lady of Divine Presence.

Blessed be indeed.

.                 *                 .

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Auntie Joy Delights and Surprises . . . Again

I’m happy to report that Auntie Joy continues to surprise and delight!

Riffling down to the bottom of this drawer where I keep my external cd drive, it 
brought a big grin to rediscover the cd set on the left. Without realizing it, I found 
myself letting out an audible “huh!” and curiously crinkling my brow as I picked 
the plastic case up and turned it over, getting reacquainted.

And that would’ve been quite the lovely, gracious plenty all by itself. 


But just as I was fixing to close the drawer she winked at me once more, this time 
from the back of the drawer where the movie on the right was tucked long ago.

.    .    .    .    .    .

Hmmmm, her girl says with a playful twinkle, 
I’m beginning to wonder if 
“Hide and Seek” 
isn’t one of Auntie Joy’s favorite games!

Blessed be.


.            *            .

Savouring January - Day 28 - Rest


🕯   .   ❤️

.               *              .

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Savouring January - Day 27 - Here

I’ve just opened the mail 
and am so delighted to report 
that my copy of this book 
with the wonderful name and soothing cover 
is here.  

Just as I'd hoped, 
it has the very same cover as our library’s! 

As an added bonus,
since my new-to-me, gently used copy 
is an ex-library copy, 
it has its very own 
clear plastic dust jacket to boot!

See there?
Auntie Hope will find us.

Blessed be. 


.           *          .

Friday, January 26, 2018

Savouring January - Day 26 - Warmth

Abiding in the assurance 
that there are guardian angels of the napping, 
both seen and unseen, 
gently keeping watch as I close my eyes, 
warms my heart 
and blesses my soul. 


.           *           .

Armfuls of Time

Rediscovered this book today.

was it exactly perfect timing.

Blessed be.

.          *           .

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Savouring January - Day 25 - Love

Headed home after a stop at the library,
 I often take a short detour to this little pond 
that I have come to love.

.                *               .

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Savouring January - Day 24 - Place

Always faithfully 
standing in her place, 
rain or shine, 
hot or cold, 
her tranquil nearness 
brings me comfort. 


(But you already knew that, yes?)

.              *             .

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Savouring January - Day 23 - Hope

I love just the name of this book 
and it’s cover 
so much that I’ve checked it out 
many times from our library. 
Haven’t even read it yet 
as the cover alone 
brings me great Hope, 
my word for 2014.

Just last week, 
she adds with a grin, 
it occurred to me that I could order 
my very own copy so I did. 

(Its an ex-library copy 
and I’m so hoping the cover will be the same.)


.              *              .

Monday, January 22, 2018

Savouring January - Day 22 - Breathe


.                 *                 .

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Savouring January - Day 21 - Smile

Sunday lunch, shared on a patio 
with my very favorite guy on a gorgeous 
spring-feeling January day, 
is sure to bring a warm smile.

It was an unexpected delight 
to be serenaded by birdsong as well.

I do believe, she adds with a grin, 
that they were enJoying 
the beautiful weather as much as we were.

Blessed be.

.               *               .

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Savouring January 2018 - Day 20 - Grateful

Today (January 20) is the feast day of St. Sebastian, a special patron of mine. He's
the namesake of my beloved bear, given to me by my Moma on the occasion of my
sweet 16th birthday. Knowing she would be moving away soon, Moma wanted me
to have a friend to help keep me company thru the remaining difficult, long, and
lonely days of chemo. Smiling softly as neither one of us had any idea what a good
and faithful friend he would become (and has remained).

When looking for a name for my brand new bear buddy, I was trying on the usual
options like "Teddy." A friend who was visiting me in the hospital playfully
challenged me into being more creative.

At the time I was getting 2 iv's during every single chemo. The first was for the
life-saving medications and the other was for saline to help keep my body hydrated
while also helping to flush the dangerous drugs out of my system so that they didn't
stay too long and begin to damage healthy cells and tissues. Blood work was another
constant, monitoring my white blood cell count and other things.

These were the days before "ports" and so every single time an iv was put in or 
blood was drawn, there was at least one new needle. My veins were already fragile 
in the beginning and, over time, they had gotten pretty bad with all of the sticks 
plus the potent medications flowing thru them. It was getting rarer and rarer for it 
to take just one try.

When I learned about St. Sebastian's story and how he was once tied to a tree, shot 
full of arrows.. and *lived!,* I knew I'd found a name for my new bedside buddy. It 
comforted me knowing St. Sebastian had made it thru all of his arrow punctures and 
his story was a deep encouragement for me to hold on to Hope. Maybe, just maybe 
I would survive too.
. . . . .

Long after I was in remission, I kept Sebastian close. He continued to sleep with me 
every night, quietly catching my stories and dreams along with my laughter, fears 
and tears. Smiling playfully because, as stuffed animals often do, he became a 
member of our family, even going on mountain trips with us.

A friend once commented to me in passing that once I found a husband, Sebastian 
would have to be put up. Without missing a beat I retorted with a snort (this was 
serious business after all!) that "if my husband didn't understand about Sebastian, 
then he wasn't the man for me!"

Grinning now because I have family photos with him included and there *may* even 
be a picture or two of family members other than me napping with him. Yes, my 
sweet bear was/is a very special and comfortable sidekick.

Smiling softly as Sebastian no longer sleeps with me but that isn't because my dear 
Tadd doesn't understand. No, it's because my cherished companion was starting to 
get worn including some pretty big rips under his arms and I didn't want him to fall 
completely apart.

These days? My beloved friend rests in his place of honor on my closet shelf. When 
the door is open, as it often is, I can see him still watching over me as he has for 
(almost) 40 years.

Ah, yes....I am deeply, profoundly grateful for my soft, brown guardian angel. 
(And lookie what color is bandana is!)

Blessed be.


.           *           .

Catching Up with Good Friends

My favorite partner has been wanting to take me to lunch
since my last day at work.

We met at the old office
so I went over a little early to say hello
to some other good friends first.
My beautiful 4 Sisters
in their stark winter dress.

Without meaning to,
we wore the same color sweaters!

Along with a yummy lunch 
at F & B
(a French bistro), 
it was a Joy to catch up.

Blessed be.

.              *              .

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Mother Mary Oracle - Everyday Ritual Share

Wanting to share my lovely new deck
and get to know my cards a little better, 
I posted this photo in a group I belong to.

With it being a day that ends in 8,
I was also practicing sharing 
from my abundance.

If you’d like to play along, 
take a moment to notice which of the cards draws you. 

The reveal photo is below. 

May She watch over and bless us all.


1. Our Lady Who Gives Peace

The affirmation that goes with her in the book is:
"The peace of the Mother fills my heart, 
as I let go into her endless genius and grace."
.     .     .

2. Our Lady of Divine Presence

The affirmation that goes with her in the book is:
"Our Lady of Divine Presence, your light lives and dwells within me. 
You are in every cell of my being and my heart opens to you
 like a flower to the golden sun. 
May your presence touch every aspect of my life, 
and all with whom I come into contact, 
like a golden wave of love, 
bathing the entire world with your consciousness."
.      .     .

3. Our Lady of the Sacred Son

The affirmation that goes with her in the book is:
"The powerful love generated 
by Mother Mary and the Christ, lives in me. 
It radiates from me in complete divine strength, 
power and protection, now and always. 
So be it."
.      .      .
For me it was between card 1 and 2 and I eventually landed on 1.
It brought a big ol' warm smile when she greeted me as I turned her over. 

Yes. She was/is exactly right for me on this day. 

Blessed be.

.           *            .

Savouring January - Day 18 - Drink

Slaking this morning’s thirst 
while keeping the icy chill at bay 
with a hand-warming mug of creamy chai tea.

Rediscovering an old favorite cup 
tucked in the back of our kitchen cabinet 
has me smiling big 
as I bask in the wonderful, Joy-filled surprise. 

And sweet flowers!! 
(All my favorites)

Throughout my day, 
I almost always have 
a cup of cool water to drink nearby. 

A couple of other 
reliable thirst quenchers for me 
are a lit candle 
and writing in my journal, 
all while under the gracious sheltering presence 
of Mama Grace’s gentle gaze.

Delighting in the dance.

.             *             .

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Venturing Out

Venturing out
before it gets dark.
It was c-o-l-d and icy.

I stayed close to the house
and it was still cold.
My moon boots are over 30 years old!
I never go very far
so they are still just fine. 
Our treat to warm us up.
(And, yes, I love marshmallows!)

Cute hubby is back at it
(working from home).

.          *          .

Savouring January - Day 17 - Feel

Today I feel the quiet Joy of contentment. 

It’s a snow day so my cute hubby 
has been working from our kitchen table 
and I’ve been baking Grandma’s Honey-Oatmeal bread 
and working on our Epiphany letter.

Blessed be.

.          *         .

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Savouring January - Day 13 & 14 - Soothe and Joy

A warm cup of creamy cocoa 
on a cold winter’s Sunday evening 
soothes body and soul 
while my newest mug and fluffy sweet marshmallows 
delights the heart, 
bringing many a Joyful smile.

.             *             .

Saturday, January 13, 2018

To Bless the Space Between Us . . .

This tender photo touches me so
and has become quite a guiding light
and touchstone for me, too.

How do I let go of a painful situation?

This is how...

Stand calmly, quietly in my truth,
knowing what I know.

Instead of expecting and aching
for what they can't/won't give
(for whatever reasons that might be),
choose to let it be by
sending love and warmth
(as best I can in each moment).

Shine in your own little space in the night sky,
dearest one,
all while blessing the space between us.

Help me, Mama?
Right here, Baby Girl.


Blessed be.

.            *            .

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Savouring January - Day 11 - Thoughts

Sometimes I don’t even know what I think 
until I start writing.

Taking the time to put pen to paper 
(or fingers to keyboard) 
often helps me to untangle 
what’s going on inside of me.

Having a lit candle nearby 
reminds me that this really is prayer 
and that I am never alone 
when I pour out my heart on the page. 

I am deeply grateful for my journal, 
my trusted, faithful friend and witness.

Blessed be.

.            *            .

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Daily Guidance - January 10

Seeing Our Lady of Charity
reminded me of the song,
"Where Charity and Love Prevail.

Where Charity and Love Prevail,
there God is ever found.
Brought here together by Christ's love,
by love are we thus bound. 

With grateful joy and holy fear
God’s charity we learn;
Let us with heart and mind and soul
now love God in return.

Forgive we now each other’s faults
as we our faults confess;
And let us love each other well
in Christian holiness.

Let strife among us be unknown,
let all contention cease;
Be God’s the glory that we seek,
be ours God’s holy peace.

Let us recall that in our midst
dwells God’s begotten Son;
As members of his body joined,
we are in Christ made one.

No race or creed can love exclude,
if honored be God’s name;
Our family embraces all
whose Father is the same.

Text: Ubi Caritas, tr. Omer Westendorf (1961)
Tune: CHRISTIAN LOVE, CM, by Paul Benoit (1961)

.               *              .