Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Thankful Tuesday

Today I am thankful for:

1.  Warm, fond memories of my Grandma and Moma 
2.  Companionship of sweet little crystal cut glass tea light holder
3.  Two unexpected cards from two friends
4.  Another perfectly glorious spring afternoon
5.  Slowing down and resting and being today - nourishment for my soul
6.  Early arrival of my new book, The Soul of a Pilgrim by Christine Valters Painter
7.  If the intro is any indication, I am going to *love* this one!
8.  Gift and honor of being able to help hold space for a dear friend.
9.  Playful moments with sweet hubby sprinkled in with this evening's errands
10.  Faint bleach smell of clean laundry 
11.  Soft, comfy lavender gown, bought 6-1/2 years ago, still one of my faves
12.  Kind words extended when I reached out for support
13.  Writing a poem that helps me understand and come to peace with a sister
14.  Being able to listen to myself read and affirm it for myself
15.  How very much I love photo treasure hunts for everyday beauty
16.  A very good night's rest last night with plans to get into bed soon this night as well.

Nightie Night!

.           *              .

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