Sunday, October 15, 2017

Fond Farewell, Fr. Ray

Rest In Peace, dear friend. 
Thank you for all of your love and support 
during a very brutal time in my life. 
I love you. 


Fr. Ray was originally from Vermont and was one of 3 priests that came from that diocese 
to serve in Amarillo where I was born and raised.

He was a priest in Perryton when I met him at a high school retreat.  A very kind soul who 
took an interest in me and we traded letters for many years. I still remember how nice it was 
to find a letter from him tucked up in my small college post office box that didn't see much 

He was such a blessing in my life, supporting me in gentle ways at a time when not many 
folks knew how to, much less what to say. A true angel.


While I don't remember the words we shared, I do remember the deep solace and reassurance 
that I found in our relationship.

He'd been ill for a long while and Tadd and I tried to visit him while in town several years 
back but it didn't work out.

It was sad that he didn't remember me when we spoke on the phone but that's ok, she says 
thru tears, because I remember him and our friendship. And I was so touched that he was 
still his sweet self when we spoke, offering me a blessing. 


.          *          .

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