Just now settling in with yesterday's mail and I'm awe-struck at how perfect
both of these thoughtful post cards are!
The wise, perfectly-timed-for-me words on the left
are from a kind-hearted former Love Notes partner
who, even tho she doesn't have to,
continues to bless me by including me
when she sends out notes to her current partner each new round.
The one on the right is the first of three from my brand new partner
who I don't know so couldn't have known
that my word for this year is Abide.
It took my breath to read the "Abiding Love" caption
and I love the picture of the woman Peacefully sitting,
head back and closed eyed, in her rocking chair,
tucked up under a beautiful quilt with Blues and Stars!!
Feeling incredibly grateful by this unexpected gift
of assurance and affirmation.
My heart is full as I sleepily tippy toe off
to tuck up into bed with a book this Sunday evening.
. * .