Sunday, February 8, 2015

Imbolc Mandala Prayer Collage

So Saturday I rested
(and rested).

I also played with my Mandala Prayer Collage, 
a part of the Imbolc mini-retreat in my new Celtic-based e-course, Sacred Seasons.

I am *so* looking forward to the year-long rhythm of following 
and honoring the seasons within a community!
It speaks deeply to my farmer's daughter, 
cradle Catholic heart.

I loved the instruction to work within a circle *and* to use only one magazine, both exercises meant to nudge me to intentionally prioritize.  It was a very good and timely lesson for me to practice discerning and listening for Enough.  Knowing in my *bones* that I'm ready for some attention to what is growing inside of me, I chose a February magazine thinking it would probably have a lot of spring-like pictures, especially budding flowers.

I found the just-beginning-to-bloom tulips first ~ yay, they're pink (my favorite)! ~ and knew they would probably be a central part of my collage.  I so love the photos of both little girls in front of the white, airy windows on either side.  The fresh flowers bring a comforting sigh of relief and Touch is one of my love languages.  As I played with what to put in my circle, I found I needed ... *craved,* really .... all of the white space.  Smiling because, at one point, I tried coloring in the left-hand side with a green colored pencil.  Right after I finished I knew that it needed to go so I erased it.

I'm hungry... so hungry! ... for a new rhythm.  An ease-ier, peace-filled, spacious rhythm that isn't centered all-consumingly on work and things that need to be done here at home.  I ache for a rhythm that is clean and simple, naturally beautiful.  I also knew I wanted to gently surround myself ~ creating a safe container ~ with a brown border, the color of earth rich in vital nutrients necessary for new seeds and tender, spring plants.  It's my sense that it's a visual way of reminding myself to stay within, tending my own heart and life, a poignant way to remember that it's ok to have some things remain private, secret, and sacred.

So as I've learned with soul collage:

I am the one who is touch (and needs touch)
I am the one who's life is a new rhythm
I am the one who is beautiful pink blossoms, patiently awaiting her time to bloom
     (it'll be here before I know it)
I am the one who is naturally beautiful, a lovely pink flower
I am the one who sits, and speaks, and reads, and studies, and learns, and rests, 
     and grows, and dreams in front of the freshness of an airy white window
I am the one who is clean and simple.

And lookie here how much better and more at peace I feel:

Truly I am blessed

And deeply grateful.

.          *          .

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