Friday, July 21, 2017

Enough is Enough

Smiling softly as I need to quietly park this one here and spill a few words that I can't 
share in other places. 


I'm feeling hurt and have been for a while now, struggling with a sister who has all but 
cut me (and others) off because she feels slighted by what another sister did.

I want to be supportive because I understand needing space... 

But this not communicating (with most of us) and ignoring texts while happily sharing 
away laughs about her day over on Snapchat is getting old...

After some thought, I reached out via text this afternoon to confirm what I knew (she 
and her husband will be out of town while we're there next week), but hasn't bothered 
to let me know.

Her response?  Two words:  "yes, ma'am."

My emotions are all over the place and I wondered about trying to reach out again.... 
yes, knowing it probably wasn't a good idea, but wondering all the same.

And then I was reminded of this little card and I sighed a big "yes." The magnet under 
my hand was also tucked in my TOTM box and it says 

"May you know you are worthy."

I can't make my sister reach back.
I can't make want to have a relationship with me.
I can't do her healing work for her.

(All hustling, Deb)

I can let go (as best I can in each moment). 
I can trust that Enough (my word for 2013) is enough, 
and that I am worthy of love and belonging even 
when one of my sisters has distanced herself from me. 

I can remember my newest teachers, 
beautiful sunflowers 
who keep their faces turned towards Mama Grace. 

And, as best I can in each moment,
follow their lead.

❤️  .    🌻  .    ❤️  .    🌻  .    ❤️

.         *         .

(Grateful for your witness)

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