Thursday, December 31, 2015

9 of My Favorite Moments in 2015

1. Time with my sweet Tadd (always)
2. Our St. Augustine beach trip in June
3. Wearing my special necklace made by my sweet girl
4. Warm smiles when I see that my swing is back up thanks to my Daddy
5. Peace has been my gentle word companion and teacher this year
6. Watching and witnessing Little Sister's Fall transformation
7. Daddy & Brenda's visit in October
8. Praying in Color while sitting with my wooden spiral Advent wreath
9. Spending the month of remembrance (November) with 4 dear women who have 
    passed beyond the veil 

.              *            .


Peace was my word for 2015. She was good company and an important teacher who, as with all of my prior words (Grace, Mercy, Enough, and Hope), I intend to keep close by for her special, individual way of support and guidance.

For a couple of months I had thought my word for 2016 might be "Rest." So much so that I started the process of looking for a mug with Rest on it and a Rest quote to add to my email signature quotes to serve as visual anchors.

In recent days, "Abide" has shown Herself to me.  I remembered this photo that I took back on August 3, 2013 and, as I was sharing it with a class I was in then, the word "abide" just showed up and seemed perfect. 

Earlier this week I circled up my 4 new beautiful sister angels (a Christmas gift from hubby) in a spot where I can see them from here in my blue rocking chair. I knew they would remind me of the picture I've always held in my heart of all of my word companions as wise women who stay with me and surround me, each one lovingly offering me her gifts of wisdom. 

My sweet little oil lamp in the middle feels like a gently profound reminder to place myself 

--- to Abide -- 

in their wise presence.  Sure, I can Rest there if/when I need too, but the bigger, more important question for me feels like *where* and in *what* am I resting? *Where* am I putting my Trust? 

*Where* am I choosing to Abide?

And sitting with and seeing my sweet altar of angels for the past several days? 

And listening to Amy Grant sing "Abide with me," a song I have come to love? 

And the tears began to fall?


That's when I knew.

Abide has gently taken my hand and asked me to dance, and we are waltzing into the new year together. 

.            *            .

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Our Advent Journey is Complete

.           *           .

Sweet Surprise

Coming home from a few errands this morning,
Hubby surprised me with 
a yummy cinnamon bun
and some smiling new friends.

.            *             *

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Operation Chocolate Chip Cookie

Smiling and remembering 
my dear, beloved Grandma 
as I tell you that, 
between yesterday and today, 
I made 13 dozen plus 3 
chocolate chip cookies.

.             *            .

Fourth Sunday of Advent

.             *              .

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Live Nativity

This is the second year that hubby's church
has done a "Live Nativity." 

The wise men gathering

Love the quiet powerfulness of it so much.

It's fast becoming one of my
new favorite Christmas traditions.

.            *          .

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Our Sweet Ballerina

We both took the day off 
so we could watch our sweet ballerina's first ballet recital

Posing afterwards

We're so proud of her and love her very much.

.               *              .

Monday, November 30, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 30

Today I am grateful 
for my beautiful, wooden Advent spiral wreath 
for another lovely "Praying in Color" Advent calendar. 

It's not too late to join me.

.               *              .

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 29

Today I am grateful for Apple support. Talked to a tech today who was born and raised in Amarillo, too - how fun!  

Turns out my computer keeps shutting down because my video card needs to be replaced - boo!  But because we have Apple Care, it's covered - yay!!!!!!!!

.                       *                    .

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 28

Today we enjoyed having Tadd's dad and brother over 
to watch the big Georgia vs. Georgia Tech football game. 

We had brisket sandwiches, Ranch-Style beans, chips and dip
and leftover pie.

And the Dawgs won!! 

.            *             .

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Beauty's Bubble Bliss

It's such a delight to watch her embody her middle name, Joy.


.            *            .

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thanksgiving Eve

Had some lovely company while baking my Thanksgiving pies. 
(Carmel Apple and Chocolate Pecan)

Smiling softly because I have such fond memories of spending time in each of their warm kitchens where life lessons were sprinkled in with the cooking guidance. Each has passed beyond the veil so while they may not be able to join me physically in my kitchen, I trust (and take deep comfort in knowing) they join me in spirit. 

I'm so grateful that I had my photo collage of them printed earlier this month! Having it close has been a gentle, welcomed visual reminder of these dear women that I love and miss so much and reminding me that they love me . . . still. 

 It's been a most blessed "Gathering of Spirits." 


.             *            .

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 24

Magical Moonlight 

(She followed me all the way home ❤️)

.             *             .

Monday, November 23, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 23

Today I am grateful for a moment to bask in the blessing of a fresh start. 


(Got a little behind so am giving myself permission to begin again.)

.               *            .

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 19

Today I am grateful 
for an office with a door 
that I can shut 
and rest for a bit 
while on my lunch break.

.            *            .

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 18

On a cold, rainy evening after a busy day of billing, 
I am grateful for the ease and comforting yumminess 
of a piping hot pot pie for supper.

.             *              .

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 17

Today I am grateful for a warm home on a chilly evening, 
a full belly, 
the peaceful glow flickering from my sweet oil lamp, 
soft, easy-listening background music, 
and my dear hubby being right here with me. 

❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Monday, November 16, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 16

Today I am grateful for 
the quiet nourishment 
in between the covers of a book 
while tucked up 
in a soft, beige down comforter. 

.             *           .

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Hope . . .

. . . on a Fall Sunday Evening

.              *              .

Blessing Basking :: Day 15

Today I am grateful for a much needed Sunday afternoon nap.

.             *             .

Blessing Basking :: Day 14

Yesterday it was very good to have some downtime 
and watch cooking shows
while smiling at our turkeys and pilgrims.

Pioneer Woman is one of my faves.

.              *            .

Friday, November 13, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 13

Enjoying this beautiful view 
while stopped at a light 
in Friday afternoon traffic.

.           *              .

Blessing Basking :: Day 12

Yesterday and today both found me grateful for drive up windows, 
making errands so much easier. 

(Top: dry cleaners, bottom: pharmacy)

.             *             .

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 11

Computer server troubles at work make for an unexpected day off 
and a nice lunch out with my sweetie.

.              *               .

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 10

After a string of grey, cloudy, chilly days, 
I am grateful for brilliant sunshine.

.                *                 .

Blessing Basking :: Day 9

Yesterday I was grateful for my faithful "little old lady" car, Betsy. She's a 2002 Ford Taurus with only 91,848 miles on her and we've driven all but about 5 of those.

(Took the photo, just didn't get to posting it.)

.             *            .

Honoring My Ancestors

I'm taking Sacred Seasons: A Yearlong Journey Through the Celtic Wheel of the Year and, for whatever reasons, I've only managed to work my way thru every other season so far....  Perhaps next year I'll work thru the ones I'm not getting too this time around. I *love* the idea of staying with this process and circling back year after year (after year). Being both a cradle Catholic and a farmer's daughter, without my fully realizing it until recent years, the rhythm of the seasons calls to me *deeply*... like from my bone marrow. So, she says with a soft smile, I shall continue to show up when and how I am able, all while practicing trusting that it is Enough.

I *loved* our Samhain materials!!!! The Communion of Saints has always been an important concept to me and this season's reflections in particular have felt timely and so on point for me.  I'm also taking Honoring the Saints and Ancestors which expands further on November being a month of remembrance

Last week I made this photo collage for my altar space. Please allow me to introduce you to some of my ancestors... :)  Clockwise from the top left: Moma, Grandma D (Daddy's mom), Grandma P (hubby's grandmother who called me her own), and Grandma M (Moma's mom). So much about this gathering of spirits and the way they are circled speaks to me. Even tho we had some really *hard* differences and deep pain in our relationship, Moma was the biggest and best influence on me and the same clockwise direction is the order of the depth of closeness I feel for each woman. 

Once I had the photo printed, it was interesting to me to notice how Grandma M's photo is the fuzziest and that is really fitting.  It wasn't a conscious choice at all,  it was just because I enlarged it the most. As a teen and into my twenties (and later), because she couldn't be for me like my other Grandma, I kinda discarded her.  That feels harsh and sad to say but it's the truth.

I love my little altar space with my photo, candle and sweet angel with the words on her dress reminding me "Angels are sent from above to ease our Sorrows, strengthen our Faith, and lighten our Hearts."  Each carefully chosen item reminds me the women in my family are all right here, still with me and loving me, some in ways that they never could while we were both on this side. (We can't give what we've never received)

My sense is this is the year for me to gently open to welcoming Grandma M back into my heart and practice gathering up and appreciating what she *was* able to give me. For instance, right after we discovered I had bone cancer in my left hip, 38 years ago next month, they kept me pretty drugged up on morphine and it was horrible. It was *this* Grandma, an LVN nurse, someone I didn't think ever really saw or knew me, who took one look at me in the hospital bed and said, "she shouldn't be acting like that." It was then that they backed off the medication and the awful drug trips stopped.

She was my advocate.

In recently looking thru an old, cheerful, multi-colored cookie tin of my Grandma D's that I keep especially cherished mementos in, I was surprised to find a letter from Grandma M. While it did surprise me she'd written a two page birthday letter to me (we lived in the same city), I was more struck by the fact that I had actually saved her letter. As I read her words, tears rose.... she was reaching out to me in love and offering her support.  What was even more amazing to me was she had written it before our family fell apart when my parents' divorced and my cancer was discovered 7 months later.  In my heart of hearts, I have no doubt that she was probably one of my most faithful pray-ers thru that very difficult time. Indeed, she so freely gave to me from what she had available to give.

As an aside, that seems to be my growing edge right now.... looking for and accepting the love that is there in what is being offered to me, even if in imperfect ways.  This is turning out to be a healing and achingly beautiful process.  We are all human after all and so anything any of us offers will be imperfect to some degree.

So I know that Grandma M is the one in particular that I am meant to walk this month of remembrance with. I also learned recently that St. Martin de Porres ministered to those on the fringes. I was sitting in daily Mass at the time and was moved to tears because I've often felt like I was on the fringes and I wonder if Grandma didn't feel that way, too.  So... she says with a twinkle, unlikely threesome that we are, we are journeying together this November. 

On Sunday I made this collage in honor of Grandma M. A special thanks to my new friend, Bev, for her gracious permission to use her beautiful photo on the top left of Mary quietly, faithfully watching over the candles and the intentions they were lit with. 

I don't have many photos of Grandma so I plan to do some asking... later. The one in my piece was taken the day of Grandpa's funeral and she is surrounded by grandchildren (I am in the peach colored dress). It warms my heart to see her feeling content in that moment with all of us (and all of her children outside of lens range) gathered around her. We are in the backyard and her big vegetable garden is behind us. She loved growing flowers, too, and I remember as a young child being so "b-o-r-e-d" as we walked all around her house so she could show Moma and us kids with great delight all of the different flowers she was growing in her *many* beds.

(How I wish I could walk with her today and really listen to and celebrate what made her heart sing).

So it feels time, with Mary watching and praying, and "Spirit between" us to "Gather Beyond Time" in Hope (my word for 2014) and Peace (this year's word) with me "warming up," practicing "mercy" (2013's word), and "softness at home" (in my heart).

The owl speaks to me of another wise one, awake and ever-watchful, even and most especially in the darkest of times. 

The beautiful trees in the lower right are some very special friends that, over the last 7 years, I have taken to see as my Guardian Angels. These 4 lovelies live on a little island in the middle of the small side street on my way to work and I've named them after the archangels. Michael is featured and you can see a part of Gabriel.  Even tho Raphael and Uriel aren't shown, I know they are there, still watching over us, too.

.            *             .

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 8

On this grey, rainy Sunday afternoon, 
I'm grateful for some Sabbath time 
with a warm mug of creamy chai tea, 
my soft beige down comforter, 
and not a place in the world to be 
other than right here. 

.             *             .

Friday, November 6, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 6

Today I am grateful for our beautiful backyard, 
especially on a Fall Friday afternoon.

.                  *                   .

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 5

Today I am *deeply* grateful 
for my sweet Fall companion,
a very wise and gentle teacher indeed.

.              *             .

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 3

Today I am grateful to live in a democracy 
and for the right and privilege to vote. 

.                     *                .

Monday, November 2, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 2

Today, on All Souls Day, I am grateful for the many kind folks who have loved me well and 
shared so freely from their wisdom. 

This collage holds Moma and 3 Grandmas (the last one is Tadd's and she, too, loved me as
her own).

May they all rest in peace.


.              *              .

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Blessing Basking :: Day 1

Today, on All Saints Day, I am deeply grateful for our Communion of Saints, something I have taken profound comfort in all of my life.

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