Monday, January 29, 2018

To Bless the Space Between Us - Do you see it?

(Because I didn't ... at first.)

So yesterday morning I was taking a photo of the picture of this dear young girl, 
my gentle teacher quietly reminding me to "Bless the Space Between [my sister, 
who has stepped w-a-y back from our relationship, and me]" propped up against 
the lamp right here next to my chair. Other than moving my clear little flowerpot 
shaped votive holder (reminding me to Cultivate Joy, my word for this year), 
I didn't move a thing.
Cropping my morning photo down to a square, I saw it.

Mary *is* looking out from behind "me." I love that she's a little above me, too,
so she can see both thru my eyes and also beyond me (for me).... she can see 
farther out than what I can see. Ah, yes... *She* can offer love to my sister and 
bless the space between us on the days when I simply cannot because the reality 
is sometimes the years-long space between us hurts.

And behind her is the gentle reminder, "Let Yourself Be Held", a tender piece 
I have loved (and clung to) for a very long time.

So then I pulled an angel card by cutting my deck: Close. I'm smiling again... *yes!* 
Mary, Mama Grace, and all of my aunties are indeed Close to me, gently caring for 
me, "looking out" for me (<-- so loving the double meaning of this one!), and watching 
over me - even when I don't/can't see or realize it.

Before tucking my angel cards back into their box, I happened to notice that right 
under Close was Mirror. I smiled to myself as I put the lid on my box and put it up 
so I could move into getting ready for my day.

A few moments later as I was showering, I thought, "No. Mirror does belong, too!" 
My little altar vignette is intentionally mirroring for me how to be (send love to my 
sister as best I can each day) and also what is happening (all my mamas and aunties 
are helping me). Then it brought a warm smile to remember that in a class I'm taking,
we were invited to look in an actual mirror.

So I went back and found Mirror and pulled it out.  

And the card under Mirror? 


Yes! That fits, too! My faith, which I've learned to practice with some grains of salt, 
has been a firm foundation for me. Plus looking tenderly into my eyes with the help 
of a mirror and speaking gentle encouragements to myself is something I've done
for decades. All of this, for me, is about returning to the basics... the Root of it all


And under Root? 




Sweet soul, it really is ok to simply allow Love to see thru me, let myself be held 
and trust that I am beloved and blessed.

It really, *really* is ok to simply Receive. Alls I hafta do is open my heart, as best 
I can in each moment, Pause and Let Love In.

Oh, and the Mother Mary oracle card I drew? 

Our Lady of Divine Presence.

Blessed be indeed.

.                 *                 .

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