Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Thankful Tuesday

Today has been a difficult day for me ~
lots of feelings are arising.

I want to be present to them 
and to me 
as best I can. 

I am thankful for:

1.  This sweet little coaster, bought before I knew that Hope would be my word for this year.
2.  The interest of a kind friend and quietly reconnecting.
3.  A large billing project at work that I could focus on and enjoy.
4.  Capturing the truth in a photo.
5.  Listening to Maya Angelou read her book, "Letter to My Daughter" to and from work.  I feel strengthened and nourished both by her voice and her stories
6.  The safety of my home and the comfort of sitting in my old, brown rocker recliner.
7.  The soothing sounds of hubby snores coming from the bedroom.
8.  Being surrounded by gentle angels, reminding me I'm not alone.
9.  Being able to listen to Brene Brown's first live Q&A in an hour.
10. Safe spaces to be truthful.

.           *          .

1 comment:

Thank you for stopping by and for letting me know you were here . . . :)