Friday, September 20, 2013

Affirmation ~ Today I Will Wait . . .

For whatever reasons, I've tended toward anxiousness in my life so rather than waiting, my first response is to do something, anything!  I've learned over time and experience that this isn't always (usually) the best way to go about things.  Intentionally slowing down and actively waiting can be very hard for me, especially when it's been awhile and/or I'm feeling *really* anxious.

All that to say that this affirmation isn't always the easiest one for me to pick up again.  But, as I've found with so much of Melody Beattie's writing, if I'll patiently stay with it, as best I can in that moment, her words eventually begin to sink in, soothing and nourishing the ragged, parched places in me.

This "affirmation" is taken straight from her book, The Language of Letting Go:

Today, I will wait, if waiting is
the action I need in order to 
take care of myself.  I will
know that I am taking a 
positive, forceful action by
waiting until the time is right.
God, help me let go of my fear, 
urgency and panic.  Help
me learn the art of waiting 
until the time is
right.  Help me
learn timing.

I found a full version of her beautifully wise reading here.

May we all learn how to take good care of ourselves by practicing waiting (when that's appropriate).

.     *     .

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